Archives for June 13, 2011

heaven in a cone.

My life is complete. I can die happy now.

I have found my one true love.

Graham cracker ice cream, my friends. Heaven in a cone and then some.

Me and graham cracker ice cream go waaaaaaay back. Circa 1993 to be exact. The best summer of my life. I was in Lake Placid enjoying my carefree days as a 10 year old. And it was there in Lake Placid that I walked into Stewart’s Shop and discovered Crumbs Along the Mohawk. The best ice cream ever. Crumbs Along the Mohawk is graham cracker flavor ice cream with graham cracker crumbs and caramel trickled throughout.

Insanity, as you can imagine.

And Stewart’s Shop is a little ol’ gas station in Upstate New York. It’s amazing. They have the best ice cream on earth. But Stewart’s is not located anywhere in Massachusetts. Nowhere. Nada. Not like it matters anymore, because this past winter when I was in Lake Placid reliving my childhood days, I so painfully discovered that Sterwart’s Shop DOES NOT SELL Crumbs Along the Mohawk anymore. Surely the greatest tragedy of all time. Or so I thought, until this afternoon.

And the story goes on…

Tomorrow my first grade class is walking to the local homemade ice cream stand in Maynard. Yeah, first grade!! It’s the end of the year, and they’ve earned it, and heck, I love ice cream. Plus Erikson’s is totally famous for their delicious homemade goodness. How could we not? Anywhooo, this afternoon I went to drop off the ice cream list so our ice creams can be ready when we arrive from our long trek from the elementary school, and as I was handing over my ice cream list my eyes couldn’t help but glance at the current specials. Graham Central Station? What is that I see?

So of course, I had to try some.

And bless my soul, we have a winner.

Graham cracker flavored ice cream with chocolate covered honeycombs and graham cracker bits. Life could not get any sweeter!

And so it goes, my life is officially complete. And it tastes sooo good.

Luckily for my figure, I only have a week left at school and then I’ll be saying g-bye to Maynard for the summer. Ice cream every day could get ugly. Another cone tomorrow with my class won’t kill me though. And I can’t wait!

pancake breakfast.

Just last weekend, we had a pancake breakfast at the Winchell House. It was spectacular, with gorgeous summer weather, and allllllllll the fixings.

We even had local maple syrup. Straight from the maple trees in Maynard, Massachusetts.

Good ‘ol Maynard!

Believe me, it was nothing short of glorious.

Roo thought so too. She told me!

How was your weekend? Hope it was delicious!