Archives for April 6, 2012


I finally got my act together to share my Newport pics—


We had such a nice time last Sunday walking around downtown Newport and exploring the famous mansions and the cliff walk. It’s the cutest little town and the Newport Mansions are some of the most amazing works of architecture I’ve ever laid my eyes on. INsanely HUGE and magnificently beautiful!

People actually lived in these once?

And more curious… does anyone actually live in them now?!

I actually felt like I was at Downton at one point. And it felt incredible.

Zan and I both agree that we need to make a trip back sometime soon (and next time we will hopefully take a tour of some of the mansions–you can do that!). I’m thinking when the weather’s a little warmer, as it started to get really cold and windy toward the end of the day, but there was something beautiful about it being so empty of crowds too– which I’m sure is next to impossible once the summer hits!

We started off the day with blue skies and a Shamrock shake. Naturally, a spot-on recipe for a good time.

And as for the rest of the day? Go on and take a look…

See you next time, Newport! Thanks for a good time and thanks for being AWESOME.

HAPPY FRIDAY, dear readers! ♥