Archives for July 15, 2015



Wow. Amazing. Intense. Stressful. Emotional. Incredible. Joyful. Beautiful. A WHIRLWIND!

Those are all words that come immediately to mind when I think about the past 6 — now almost 7 months. At the moment I am in a relieved state of utter bliss thinking about how it all went down and I imagine I will be riding on this high for quite some time. A magical whirlwind of the best memories of our lives and I am brought to tears the harder I think about it.

We were married on a brilliant Saturday in June with all our most favorite family and friends there to witness. It was a bit rainy, beyond beautiful, and full of every kind of happiness that one wedding day could bring. We are so thankful for it all. Honestly, grateful beyond words.

Hooray! We are married!

And nothing has ever felt more right. ♥

image by First Mate Photography Co.
and yes, yes! more to come!!