Archives for March 1, 2011

maple sugar candy

Maple sugar candy.

Have you ever in your life had the pleasure of eating this delightful treat?

Please say yes.

And if your answer is no, then I hope for your sake you get a chance to experience this in your lifetime.

Sugary, maple-y, sweeter than watching the sunrise goodness.

Maple sugar candy is out of this world.

My teeth hurt just thinking about it.

It’s amazing.

I’ve always known this is my favorite treat ever but sometimes I forget just how much I love it until I have some on my tongue again after a long time apart. This candy, made up purely of maple syrup, is found in parts of the northeast. It’s often made into shapes like maple leaves and can be popped into your mouth in one piece, or savored slowly by licking the sugar with your tongue. Either is delicious!

We were luckily able to stop at one of the very best Maple sellers in all the world! Smack dab in the middle of nowhere NY, Wicks Pure Maple Products sells quality maple products straight from the maple trees of the Adirondacks. DREAM.

Lucky to know they ship these candies just about anywhere. I might have to order some boxes of these come September. I vow never to go so long again without these little leaves in my life. Hallelujah.

a look i love

(photo via pinterest)

Where can I get vintage cans like these?