Archives for July 1, 2011

my summer job

If you’re looking for me this summer, I’ll be hanging with this cutie in the afternoons around Boston. We’ll be museum hopping, bike riding through the Garden, and reading books at the Public Library.

I’m very happy to be earning a little extra cash, and one of those people that needs a little routine from day to day. I’m really not the sit-around-all-day-and-relax type. Although I like to pretend that I am, I can get pretty bored, pretty fast– especially when everyone else I know is working. This summer I’m filling my early mornings with yoga, my mid-mornings with Ellen on my couch, afternoons are with the little S, and early evenings are for doing what I please.

It’s a tough life, but someone’s gotta live it. And gosh-darnit, I deserve it. I worked my booty off this year!