Archives for July 11, 2011

je veux…

Wouldn’t it be nice to have these things??

I’m dreaming over here on this Monday morning, what about you? Hope you had a nice weekend. Mine was perfect, yet again. I love weekends in Boston when I do a little of this and a little of that. It makes summer seem longer, which of course is ideal. The other day I was going through my calendar, planning things out for the rest of July and August, and I felt a slight panic attack coming on. Do NOT do this if you can help it. Hide your calendar under your bed or something. Because looking at a calendar shows you visually when summer is over and this is a horrible feeling. Horrible. You better believe I won’t be looking at a calendar again anytime soon! Not until Thanksgiving at least.

Happy Monday, dear readers. And happy summer too. A very happy and relaxing summer indeed.

(bag. shoes. earrings. book.)