felicity ♥

Felicity being on Netflix means Christmas came early for me this year. And watching it for the second time is possibly even better than the first. When Felicity first aired in 1998, I was a sophomore in high school. A mere child. It feels different to watch it again after I’ve been through college, like I can understand it better than before now that I’ve lived it. Or something like that.

Anyways, I’ve found myself getting giddy over love.

And smiling and crying and everything in between.

I love how Felicity is true to herself. Her bulky sweater fashion and her gorgeously curly hair and her need to analyze everything down to the core. I love how she stuck it out in NY and against all odds, made it work.

Mixed tapes and floppy disks and all.


This show is simply one of the best of all time. The writing, the music, the camera shots, the cast.

A diamond in the rough. And I’m so very excited that it’s back for me to experience all over again.


  1. I’ve never seen it, but you are really making it sound good…

  2. same, same, same. loooove it and am so happy it’s on netflix. i’m not sure i’ve ever seen it in it’s entirety, more like bits and pieces, so i’m excited to see it all the way through.

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