Search Results for: snapshots

{more} summer snapshots.

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Just popping in to say hello! It’s been quite the eventful August so far and there is nothing to do about it but be thankful. The end of the summer has always been the busiest for me, and this one proves no different. I’m in the midst of this adoration of summer, but the teacher in me is starting to get the itch. It’s one part pre-nostalgic and one part nervously excited.

I LOVE summer {the most}, but gosh darnit, I love a new school year, too.

Oh, life!

I read this quote from Bonnie Tsang on instagram this morning that made me smile… “First blessing, woke up to a 5am alarm clock. Second blessing, got off the bed for a life worth attending. Third blessing, THIS {in which she posted a glorious picture of the sunrise}.” I loved it and felt like I could connect instantly, especially now in this time of adventure and freedom. I feel especially blessed this summer with all I have done {and still have yet to do}! I want to tuck these moments away into my blankets for a reminder when days are short and the winds start to get cold. Luckily, I have this blog to look back on, and next summer to look forward to, and hopefully lots of happenings in the in-between… may life’s adventures always be aplenty. I wish this for me, but I also most sincerely wish this for all of you! ♥


I finished up my summer gig in Charlestown last Friday and Zanner and I headed straight to the thruway for the long drive to Syracuse. We spent the weekend dancing at my cousin’s wedding {the last of the bunch!}, spending time with family, and thoroughly enjoying the Skaneateles water. There really is nothing better than home. Zan had to drive back for work Monday, but I’ve been enjoying Syracuse/Skan-town to the nines {my sister’s here, too!} and we even took a mid-week trip up to Lake Placid, New York, which, if you know me, is a major favorite— and absolutely a place worth visiting if you’ve never been!

I’ll be back next week with some Nikon photos to share {I’ve been doing a little practicing with my new lens, which is, in a word, DELICIOUS}.

Have a happy weekend! And LONG LIVE SUMMER!


{Elizabeth! I’m so glad you love
Joy Prouty’s instagram
as much as I do!
Such a treat, right?}

Some more of my favorite
instagrammers to follow:

Mary | Lauren | Sean | Jenn

summer snapshots // currently…

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That top picture is my favorite. It speaks summer to me in this perfect way that doesn’t need any words. The mason jar and the straw add to the love language of bloggers and pinterest fanatics everywhere, and also, the light is just divine.

Le sigh. Iced coffee and summer mornings forever, please.


So, life lately. What can I say that hasn’t already been said? Dare I even say that summer seems to be going slow? Do I jinx it? Because if we’re being honest, it’s the truth. I’m stretching things out over here as wide as I can stretch them. And I don’t know exactly what I’m doing to make it move slower, but whatever it is, it’s working.

Here’s a little more about what I’m up to currently…

D O I N G: A lot of pinning lately. It’s been a daily ritual for me this summer {sometimes more than once a day!} and it just puts me in a happy place. It doesn’t overwhelm me or make me feel inadequate as I’ve heard some people say about it. For me Pinterest is a place to curate, to find the pretty, to collect the good stuff. I don’t often plan on making the recipes I pin, and a lot of the time I wouldn’t be brave enough to wear some of the outfits either, but I love Pinterest for the visuals. I’m a sucker for aesthetics.

{I have a separate Pinterest account just for my teaching ideas, too, if you’re interested! I’ve got a ton of first grade ideas and will be adding second grade ideas, soon. This way I can stay logged on to this account on my school computer and it keeps things separate + more organized.}

L O V I N G:  Goodreads. I’m keeping track of all my books read over there and it’s super encouraging to see how well I’m moving along on my 2013 reading goal {I am currently at 20 books — out of 25!}. I’ve been doing a mix of fiction and non-fiction, young adult books, a few children’s lit, and also audiobooks. I don’t think I’ve read this much since I used to ride public transportation and so I’m pretty pumped about my progress this year. YAY, BOOKS. Speaking of…

R E A D I N G: Most recently I finished If I Stay {YA, liked} and The Rules of Inheritance {Memoir, LOVED}. Right now I am in the middle of The Art of Fielding and so far, so good. I’ll let you know the final verdict once I’m all finished!

L I S T E N I N G  T O: CUPS from Pitch Perfect. My summer jam. I play this on repeat practically every morning and my neighbor is probably like, “What the heck is the matter with that girl?”, BUT WHATEVER.

W A T C H I N G: Season 3 FNL. Zan and I were going wild with this for awhile, with upward of 5 episodes one night {!}… then we freaked out that it was going to end too fast so we’ve cut back on our numbers to make the glory last longer. BUT. WE. ARE. LOVING. IT. Loving! I feel like I could devote an entire blog post to Dillon, TX. Every character has such goodness, but Tami T {want to be you!} and Tim Riggins {best lines. best hair. be still. MY HEART.} are my absolute favorites. JUST AMAZING.

T H I N K I N G  A B O U T: My new school. Setting up my classroom. 2nd GRADE!

L O O K I N G  F O R W A R D  T O: There is still so much planned for summer. My friend EE’s wedding in Maryland this weekend, my cousin’s wedding in Syracuse next weekend, a week spent at home, Skaneateles! CAPE COD! Excited about it all.

M A K I N G  M E  H A P P Y: Getting mail from my old students. At the end of every school year, I give out an envelope with my address on it and a few pieces of blank paper. Then throughout the summer I get to smile when the mail trickles in. I’ve gotten a bunch of letters and postcards from this year’s 1st graders (and even two from last year’s!}. Such a fun way to keep in touch and encourage and practice authentic writing, too.

Oh! Also I just ordered a new lens for my camera. 50 mm f/1.8, COME TO MEEEEE. Totally stoked !


What about you? What’s something you’ve been up to lately? I hope your summer is going well and that you’re finding ways to make it move slowly, if that’s the way you like it. If not then keep your fall-wishing to yourself, please and thank you. We’re not even close to being ready for that sort of thing yet over here.

Happy weekend, everyone! XO

snapshots // spring to summer

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I have been driving to work lately in a strawberry wine daze. Sweet summer, is that you again? I’ve been thinking to myself, Welcome back, lover. Oh, welcome back to me. I don’t think it comes as any surprise that summer is my favorite. It’s not so much about the vacation, but more about the weather. I like sitting on my couch popping back frozen York’s in my bathing suit top with the fan on high. It suits me. Summer is just better. And that is that.

Spring, though. Was it ever good. We loved on Boston, soaked up the blooms, and ate the donuts, and the burgers, and the pies. We spent a day in Newburyport and I celebrated my friend EE’s bridal shower the right way: with hugs and shrimp and cupcakes.

Other than that I am just twiddling my thumbs and counting the days. {REAL TALK: running around like a crazy person and getting UBER EMO about my first graders leaving me. They’re honestly THE BEST.}

BUT SUMMER, I just love you.


I am overwhelmed with feelings, let’s just keep it at that.


INSTA-details {because let’s try something new!}:

Places to eat:

Bloc 11 Cafe
Union Square Donuts
Otto Pizza
Five Guys

Things to purchase:

Baggu Tote in Navy Stripe
Hello Sweatshirt
Saltwater Sandals
2013 Paper Source Calendar | and 2014!

Words to read:

Frog and Toad {will make you laugh}
Charlotte’s Web {will make you cry}
Divergent + Insurgent {WOW.}

snapshots // {mostly} denver edition.

Friends! Hi!

I’m trying to find my place. Coming back from a jam-packed-crazy-amazing weekend away is always hard, and this time, especially, I’m finding the transition to be full of all sorts of feelings– most all of them good {excitment! inspiration! friendship!}, but also some less so {take me baack! O V E R W H E L M E D!}.

Basically, I had the best time. THE BEST. And now I’m just trying to soak it in and wrap my head around it all.

{Also, I’m trying to figure out how to share all my photos in less than five blog posts. {just kidding.} {sort of!} }


P.S. Tomorrow! A playlist!