Archives for November 8, 2009

Drinks at the Roadhouse: taste victory.

Last night, we headed over to the Roadhouse in Washington Square to meet up with our friends Hillary and John for some drinks. They have a huge selection of craft beers, and it’s fun to try the different kinds. Last night I went with the Alagash White- not too creative but one that I do enjoy. Zan got the Ithaca Flower Power IPA and was very excited about it because it’s one of his favorites from back in the day at Hobart. Last night the Roadhouse was pretty empty, which was strange for a Saturday night, but the atmosphere is nice and we had a fun time. I’ve eaten here before, when the theme was BBQ, but it looks like they have changed their menu to Baja Bayou (whatever that means?). Hm, maybe they aren’t doing so well? I’ll have to go back sometime soon and try out the new food. I really liked the old food and it’s a bummer that they changed it. They used to have deep fried pickles, which were incredible, so I hope that’s still on the menu. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
Here’s some pics from last night:

Good times all around… see you soon, John and Hillary!

so many books, so little time.

I picked up two new books at Costco yesterday. I just love books.
Books, books, books galore, so many wonderful books.

The Help was recommended by my friend Caroline, who is a serious lover of books.

“The Help recreates a time — Mississippi in 1962 — that is totally engrossing and pitch-perfect. This story of women in the South, black and white, in the eye of a hurricane of monumental change is thoroughly satisfying and enjoyable.”
— Sheila Burns, Bloomsbury Books, Ashland, OR

And The Bean Trees is by one of my favorite authors, Barbara Kingsolver. She wrote The Poisonwood Bible and Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, both of which I LOVED. I heard The Bean Trees is excellent so I’m very excited to read it. That is, if I ever have the time to read for fun again (too much work for school. BOO). I have a ton of books in my apartment that I am waiting to read. Someday, right? Someday.

meet Asa.

Meet Asa, the little baby I hang out with part-time while I’m in grad school. Isn’t he precious? And he’s such a great baby too- super smiley, happy, and easy going! He reminds me a lot of my little Alistair (the little boy I nannied for in Charlestown 4 years ago), which is great because Alistair is my FAVORITE! Asa and I are at the park in this picture, taking a ride on the swings. Love his outfit. Adorable!

You’ll meet Asa’s big brother Wyatt soon. He was sick this week and no fun at all, but usually he’s really sweet and he’s super cute too!!

CCBB: the best around.

You need to make this chocolate chip banana bread. It is AMAZING.
Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
3/4 cup butter
1 1/2 cup sugar
4 bananas, mashed (I used 5)
2 eggs, well beaten
1 tsp. vanilla
2 cups flour
1 tsp. baking soda
3/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup buttermilk
3/4 cup chocolate chips (I used WAY more. I just poured them in until I thought it was enough, which probably ended up being around 2 cups. I’m serious.)
Cream butter and sugar thoroughly. Blend bananas, eggs, and vanilla. Add buttermilk. Sift flour with soda and salt. Stir into bananas mix. Add in chocolate chips. Pour into greased and floured loaf pan.
Bake @ 325 degrees for 1 hour & 15 minutes til done (mine took about 15 minutes longer than this).
COOL AND ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!