So as some of you know, I am a ginormous Ellen fan. I try and watch the show EVERYday. Well yesterday Dakota Fanning was a guest and, oh man, she is all grown up now! She’s 15 and it seems like she’s turning into quite a lady. I’ve always really liked Dakota Fanning, I mean how can you not? She’s a great actress, super cute, and really down to earth (unlike some of those other child actresses out there. Lindsay Lohan? Gross.). In I Am Sam I just fell in love with her and I’ve been following her ever since. Her latest film is the new twilight series movie New Moon, which I am SO EXCITED to see! She plays Jane, one of the villains, and it will be interesting to watch her as one of the “bad guys”, a different kind of role than she usually plays. I found an old youtube video of her on Ellen from a few years back. She is so hysterical and adorable, you can’t help but love her!! She is an amazing actress and I can’t wait to see what kind of film she’ll do next and what roles she will play in the future.
Archives for November 17, 2009
LOVE: dakota fanning
November 17, 2009
Here’s a clip from when she was 9… it’s super funny!