Archives for November 26, 2009

Let the eating begin….

So I arrived in CT today for Thanksgiving Break. YAY VACATION! This holiday marks the start of many a feasts. You know what I say about that? Bring it.

Tonight we had Grammy’s special homemade spaghetti and meatballs. I tried to hold myself back to leave room for the turkey tomorrow but I’ll let you know I didn’t have very good luck with that. The meatballs are just too good. I love visiting my Gram. It’s so relaxing. While I’m here I plan on doing a lot of reading, watching TV, eating, and sleeping. And blogging too of course. Tomorrow we’re heading on down to Josh’s house for Thanksgiving Dinner. We’re in charge of bringing dessert- my favorite part! And then Friday I have plans to stay away from Greenwich Ave. We’ll see how that works out. Cross your fingers for me!
Well, it’s time for me to sit back in the recliner chair. Can’t wait for Glee tonight. Have a great vacation everyone! Hope you arrived at your Turkey Day destinations safetly! xoxo.