Archives for November 29, 2009

There’s nothing like Tim Allen in the "The Santa Clause" to get you in the Christmas Spirit!

Watched 2 Christmas movies tonight. Which means once again it’s the most wonderful time of the yeeeeear. LOVE both the movies I watched tonight and this is just the beginning. I love Christmas movies. Because I love Christmas! After Thanksgiving I am full swing in Holiday mode. There is just no stopping me. Here’s the first two from the list of watched movies this year. MANY more to come. Oh just you wait.

The Santa Clause. An instant classic from the moment it came out back in 1994. I still remember just loving that little elf Judy and wishing that I too could be eating hot chocolate (shaken, not stirred!) and working away in Santa’s workshop, pointy ears and all. Tim Allen’s great in this one too. He does, after all, bring Neil the weenie whistle. Even though Neil doesn’t believe. Silly Neil!!

The Holiday = super cute! Even though Cameron Diaz kind of annoys me sometimes, she does fit the character she plays in the movie. I just love the story line here: two women, unhappy and heartbroken, “switch places” and find love. How romantic. It’s corny, I’ll admit that, but I like corny. I’m looking for corny in my life. Plus, I just love the end when they’re all dancing together to Aretha on New Years. Makes me want to dance too. So ovbiously, I do. Just have to.