Just finished reading the December issue of O magazine! This is only the second time ever that Oprah has had another person on the cover with her (the other time being Michelle Obama… LOVE her.) And, there isn’t just one cover- there’s 3! Ellen has been talking and talking about the O magazine on her show and so I just had to show my support and buy one. I did enjoyed reading it, might even buy it more often. I got a lot of great gift ideas and there were even some cute dresses they recommended for the holidays. Looking through the magazine just TOTALLY put in me in the Christmas spirit! ALSO I am going to participate in the 12-Day Holiday Give-O-Way. If I’m lucky, I could win all 46 gift items in the magazine. Wowzers. And if I’m really lucky I could win tickets to the Oprah Winfrey Show in Chicago and the Ellen DeGeneres Show in LA., with round trip airline tickets and a two-night hotel stay. DREAM!!!! I am absolutely doing this contest. Cross your fingers for me everyone!!
Ellen’s on the cover of O!
November 27, 2009
when i take the kids to the bibliotec, i make a beeline for the mags, and grab O. it's a bit on the dull side, but it is never slim.