so many books, so little time.

I picked up two new books at Costco yesterday. I just love books.
Books, books, books galore, so many wonderful books.

The Help was recommended by my friend Caroline, who is a serious lover of books.

“The Help recreates a time — Mississippi in 1962 — that is totally engrossing and pitch-perfect. This story of women in the South, black and white, in the eye of a hurricane of monumental change is thoroughly satisfying and enjoyable.”
— Sheila Burns, Bloomsbury Books, Ashland, OR

And The Bean Trees is by one of my favorite authors, Barbara Kingsolver. She wrote The Poisonwood Bible and Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, both of which I LOVED. I heard The Bean Trees is excellent so I’m very excited to read it. That is, if I ever have the time to read for fun again (too much work for school. BOO). I have a ton of books in my apartment that I am waiting to read. Someday, right? Someday.

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