Updated Living Room (hooray!)

So we’ve been living in a bare-walled living room ever since our old roommate Sarah moved on over to Beacon Hill and took the framed artwork that used to hang over our couch with her. For a month or so I debated whether to put up a gigantic mirror, or wall shelves. While the mirror was gorgeous, it was insanely heavy. SO we opted for the wall shelves. Last weekend, on my zipcar adventure to target, I found some shelves for $10.99! Excellent! I bought 3 longer shelves, and then found some shorter shelves for $5.99. What a steal.
Here’s some pictures of the final product. I’m super happy with it and I knew Meg and Lauren were too as soon as I saw the smiles on their faces. Woohoo!

Do you like it? Since I’m TOTALLY a picture person it gives us a chance to put some of the people we love up on the wall. It’s a good mix of each of our friends. I think it look fabulous!
(I would like to take this opportunity to thank Zan, for without his help the shelves would not be on the walls. They would either be 1.) still in the bags they came home in or 2.) in a pile on the floor with me attempting to mount them up. Yikes to #2. I can totally see it now and it’s not a pretty picture. SO THANKS ZAN! Thanks so much!)


  1. Hannah Montgomery says:

    LOOKS GREAT! Future career- INTERIOR DESIGN :-)


    ps- we have similar shelves and todd almost killed himself (and me) while putting them up… i totally understand!

  2. Thanks friend! You're pic is obviously on the wall!!!! xoxo

  3. i love it. completes the room. very niceee

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