Archives for May 14, 2010

Flowers for Friday

Here are some pretty pretty tulips for you…
Have a happy Friday and a relaxing weekend!
What are you doing this weekend? I’m not doing much of anything and it’s just the way I like it. Have a good one! xoxo.

a birthday post for bailey ♥

Happy Birthday B!

I hope you and Kevin went out to a nice dinner with fine wine and tasty treats! Already planning my next weekend to Brooklyn. If I’m away too long my hands start to shake. Not even kidding.

Remember this pic? Summer at Skaneateles Lake…some of my most favorite memories. (I originally tried to steal some of the professional photos from the wedding, but the photographer wouldn’t have it. Put some sort of block on the pics. Gosh darn.) I had so much fun looking through old pictures tonight for this post. Classic times we’ve had for sure.

Glad to find this oldie and glad to have a friend like you! Love you lots! Happy day! xoxo.

Where ice cream makes the meal.

I can’t even believe it. Friendly’s has come to Brookline.
I love it…but seriously, I can’t even believe it. Brookline seems like a place where small businesses are valued. Take Brookline Booksmith for instance, or the delicious crepe place on the corner. I also like to support the local shops, going to Temptations Cafe before Dunkin’ Donuts or Starbucks, but sometimes you just want a taste of your childhood. And that’s what Friendly’s is to me. A magnificent taste of my childhood. And I will devour it. And appreciate it. And soak up all that clown cone goodness.
I wanna go to Friendly’s.