Archives for May 26, 2010

LOST: The End.

** This post contains spoilers.**
**If you have not yet watched, don’t read!**


The End.

I can’t believe it. What a show.

First off, I would like to start by saying that I LOVED this show. I am proud to say that I have been watching since October 2004. DAY 1: The Crash. From the beginning I was hooked and I stayed right on board till the very end.

What did you think of the finale?

Here are my thoughts: It was fantastic. I’ve been thinking about it for days. I watched it again last night. The whole 2.5 hours. Brilliant. I absolutely loved how they brought everyone back together. What a special feeling I had the last 10 minutes of the show. Shivers running through my body. Tears running down my face. Yes, a lot of my questions did not get answered, but really– what would be the fun in that? I think if they did answer all our questions we would only end up disappointed. Part of the fun of the show has been analyzing and discussing anyways, it’s always been about your interpretation! Although the last image we see is the destroyed plane with absolutely NO survivors, leading us to believe that everyone died instantly from the very beginning, I like to believe differently. In my mind they really did live through everything we saw on the island, they did meet the “others”, have experiences with the Dharma Innitative, traveled through time, yada yada yada… and each character in their own time did die and move into a purgatory-like place “a sideways world”, where they eventually found each other and were ready to move on into heaven. Heavy stuff for sure, but fascinating nonetheless. Brilliant.

Again, I love how they brought all the old characters back. Charlie, Boone, Shannon! LOVED that moment when we heard Shannon’s voice. My heart burst with joy for Syid! I was crossing my fingers we would see her again and they didn’t let me down. I loved every “awakening” and the memories and scenes that came flooding back with each moment. Sun and Jin, Clare and Charlie, Saywer and Juliet. Each reunion brought tears to my eyes and happiness to my heart. And lastly, I was incredibly touched by Jack’s heroism, his willingness to risk his life to finally save the island, literally and gloriously ending exactly where he began. BRILLIANT.

Did they answers all my questions? Of course not.

Was I disappointed in that? Maybe.

In the end, does it matter?

Not at all. There were holes, definitely, but whatever. It’s about the journey after all and what a terrific journey it was.

Thank you, LOST for a great 6 years. I will miss you!