Peanut Butter Jelly Time

There are few things better in life than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

I put potato chips in mine. YUMMMMMMM.


  1. Alexandra says:

    Oh friend!! Peanut Butter and Jelly ALWAYS reminds me of you!!! Remember when you were student teaching and you would pack yourself a little PB&J for your lunch at school!? TOO CUTE!! xoxram

  2. Peggy Burns says:

    IN the sandwich?

  3. Yes, inside. It's the BEST way to eat it!!

  4. Peggy Burns says:

    my childhood bf did that with her tuna sandwiches, but with PB&J….weird!

  5. Salty and sweet! And oh so crunchy.

  6. Hannah Montgomery says:

    Wanted to tell you that there is a restaurant in portland maine called peanut butter and jelly time. Never been. Maybe we should go. Probably would be amazing!

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