To the Capitol… of the good old U.S. of A.

Toodeloo, Readers!!!

I’m off to Washington, DC for the weekend! Zan’s sister is graduating from Georgetown and I wouldn’t miss it! DC is one of my favorite cities hands down, I feel semi-familiar with it since my best friends’ from home went to GW University and I visited a few times throughout the years. My strongest memories are of Chipotle and some sweaty bar in Foggy Bottom? The name escapes me. Good times. Last year Zan and I took a 10 day trip to visit Nell and were total tourists. I made a regimented to do list– we were very serious. I’m super excited to go back… so much to see and do and so much is free!

Back to blogging when I return! Have a great weekend!




  1. say HI to Obama for me!!!!

  2. Hannah Montgomery says:

    Have a great time! Can't wait to see you next weekend!!!

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