Where ice cream makes the meal.

I can’t even believe it. Friendly’s has come to Brookline.
I love it…but seriously, I can’t even believe it. Brookline seems like a place where small businesses are valued. Take Brookline Booksmith for instance, or the delicious crepe place on the corner. I also like to support the local shops, going to Temptations Cafe before Dunkin’ Donuts or Starbucks, but sometimes you just want a taste of your childhood. And that’s what Friendly’s is to me. A magnificent taste of my childhood. And I will devour it. And appreciate it. And soak up all that clown cone goodness.
I wanna go to Friendly’s.


  1. Melanie says:

    I don't even want to discuss the Butterfinger Friend-z I demolished last week. Except that I do, and it was aaaaamazingggg!

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