Archives for June 2010

Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day, Dad!! I Love you SO MUCH!

Destination: Geneva!

On the road again…

heading to Geneva, NY
Have a great weekend everyone! Zan and I are headed out to good old Hobes and Willy Smith today for a friend’s wedding. YAY Hobart!!!! Hip Hip Hobart!
Back to blogging next week– xoxo

What would Emma Pillsbury Wear?

I just found the best blog EVER (or really, I have to give credit here to my good friend Ali from high school). She posted this on her facebook page and as I was skimming down my news feed my eyes stopped in their tracks at this post.
What would Emma Pillsbury wear?
Here are a few of the words that came to mind when I clicked on this link (if you are a frequent reader this should come as no surprise):
Joy! Dream! Wahoooo! Sweet! Amazing! Jubilation! GLEEEEEEE!
It really and truly was fireworks like that. This blog is genius. Pure genius.
Here is a little excerpt from the blog…
“When Emma Pillsbury appeared on Glee, I sat up and took notice. Who was this cardigan-clad darling with a penchant for plastic gloves and antiseptic wipes? That jewelry! Those shoes! In an instant, I was hooked on all things Emma. Join me as I scour the internet for her (and ultimately my) dream wardrobe.”

Go on… visit the website now… you know you want to!

Summer reading list

This very high pile of books is my summer reading list. These are books I have been collecting over the past year (and before) and this summer I am hopefully going to have the opportunity to read them all. GLEE! The commute to my reading specialist internship is close to an hour long via train, MAYBE even longer. This might be upsetting to some people, but to me this only brings good tidings. A whole 2 hours of uninterrupted reading? Imagine! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I intend to take full advantage of it.

Summer Reading List
(rough draft)
Whew! That’s a long list. Hopefully I will be able to complete most of it! It might be waaay too much of a stretch for just the summer, but eventually I WILL read them all. Do you have a favorite book that’s not on my list? If so, let me know!
Happy Reading! xo