Summer reading list

This very high pile of books is my summer reading list. These are books I have been collecting over the past year (and before) and this summer I am hopefully going to have the opportunity to read them all. GLEE! The commute to my reading specialist internship is close to an hour long via train, MAYBE even longer. This might be upsetting to some people, but to me this only brings good tidings. A whole 2 hours of uninterrupted reading? Imagine! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I intend to take full advantage of it.

Summer Reading List
(rough draft)
Whew! That’s a long list. Hopefully I will be able to complete most of it! It might be waaay too much of a stretch for just the summer, but eventually I WILL read them all. Do you have a favorite book that’s not on my list? If so, let me know!
Happy Reading! xo

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