Archives for July 10, 2010

Five Guys in Boston!!

Today Zan and I had big plans for the beach. It was going to be awesome. I slathered on some SPF, packed the cooler full of snacks, and grabbed my towels from the closet. We even put the top down on Zan’s convertible. The sun was shining and life was good.
Then, it started to rain.
Should we go? We debated. Probably just a sprinkle.
Onward we went. Out of the city and up to the shore.
And the sky got darker. And darker. And the Heavens opened up.
Dang. Double Dang.
How disappointing. BUMMER. Until we spotted this:

And life was good again!
Five Guys in Boston (or technically the North Shore)…. DREAM!!!!!
Five guys is one of the best burger joints in the country.
(only 2nd to In-N-Out in Cali)
Simple food and simply delicious.
Burgers. Fries. Shakes.

This photo is of the regular bacon cheese burger.
I prefer to get the little burger (one patty) because it’s really all my stomach can handle.
The burgers are SUPER delicious and you’re allowed to get as many toppings as you want FREE. Incredible.
Thanks Five Guys. You made my day.
After some research, it turns out there are several FG around the Boston area. Super sweet. Click here to find the one closest to you!

Dakota Alert!

Dakota Fanning graces the cover of Marie Claire in next month’s issue (out on newstands July 13). She looks GORGEOUS. Simply stunning. As you may remember I love Dakota Fanning. Loved her when she was missing her two front teeth and love her today, hair blowin’ in the wind. She’s just so classic and natural and simple. I hope she stays that way. God only knows what happened to Lindsay Lohan. I used to like her too. Dakota’s different though, better. WAY BETTER. I have a sense about these things.

Seriously though, she’s so gorgeous.
Did I already say that? I totally have a girl crush.