Archives for October 2010

Fishs Eddy

Two words:

dream world.

I was introduced to the name Fishs Eddy after visiting Bailey and Kevin many times in Brooklyn. They had the cutest pieces in their kitchen. Very simple and practical, but they always caught my eye. During this trip to NY I made the request to KPrime that we venture there. “I just feel like I will like it,” I said. To which she responded, “You will LOVE it.”!

And love is the teensiest word for how I feel about this shop. I think you know me well enough by now to understand how I really feel. Basically this store is Anthropologies kitchen section on crack. This place is a gold mine. The story is that Fishs Eddy started off selling old dining items from old diners, restaurants, and hotels. Now much of what they sell is new, but still very much with that vintage feel. And it’s all reasonably priced too. Jackpot.

They were indeed having a sale when I arrived. It made my heart flutter. They must have knew I was coming.

Here are some of the pieces I took home with me:

“Clean Up Your Act” Soap Dish

Souvenir New York State Dish Towel.

Diner White Cow Milk Bottle

NY Skyline Crock

Be sure to visit next time your in the city! It’s a fun place to stop in!

photo from: Such Pretty Things

FISHS EDDY (Union Square)

889 Broadway at 19th Street. New York, NY. 10003.

so long, new york!

What a terrific little weekend trip I had to New York City. I absolutely LOVE visiting NY and discovering new restaurants, meeting up with friends, and visiting the many many shops! This weekend I got to do all of that and more and in really just a matter of 24 hours. I packed it all in and am sitting on the megabus home feeling very satisfied.

There’s only one thing I would have changed: Bailey was not there. Boo. I missed you, Bails! Tons!

Here is a sneak peak at what I did this weekend…

had a delicious brunch @ Miriam

fell in love with Fishs Eddy

and enjoyed a lovely italian market experience at Eataly in Union Square


More on each of these experiences this week!


I’ll be heading to NYC this weekend to catch up with some of my favorites! First, I’ll be heading to the upper east side to get some KP lovin’. Then hopefully I’ll make it to Brooklyn (LOVE!!) to see Beth and Beck.

Oh, NY. How I do love you.

FLOUR (the recipe book!!!)


Boy oh boy did I hear the BEST news ever while driving home from work today. I was just informed (courtesy of NPR, my new go-to radio station) that the owner of FLOUR (THE BEST BAKERY in the ENTIRE WORLD), Joanne Chang, has just written and published a new cookbook.

Best news of your life, right?? Right??!

You must click here to read the interview with the author AND get a tasty recipe for savory cheddar scallion scones. Oh my.

Flour, located in the South End (and also Fort Point and Central Square) will please your taste buds like no other. They have incredibly delicious desserts/breakfast treats and make a mean BLT (my favorite!). If you live in Boston and you have not been, GO! Then you can buy the recipe book and make their famous banana bread every day if you please. Which is probably what I am going to do.