Archives for November 8, 2010

Little People: Good Times, Great Oldies

Finding this this picture of this house just brought me back to some of the happiest times of my childhood. My most favorite thing to do between the ages of 5-10 was play with my Fisher Price Little People.

Oh, nostalgia, how I love you so!


These Little People were better than any other toy out there. Better than Barbies, better than Popples (although I did LOVE my Popple), better than Easy Bake Oven.

And so, of course, I have spent approximately the past 45 minutes, searching the google images for all pictures of my beloved Little People and the parts to their little town. Below are the images I found that make me giddy with joy.

The school bus… hey little students!

The barn…. LOVED the rooster’s perch.

Parking garage!

And obviously, my favorite, the school. Because I always wanted to be a teacher.

This just made my week. I don’t know if you played with Little People or not, but if you did hopefully it will make yours too!