Archives for March 2011

up up and away

I had an absolutely incredible experience yesterday here in FL. Caroline took me flying!

It was beyond amazing and I’m so happy I went up with her into the clouds. She’s been working over a year on getting her pilot’s license and this coming week she will take her final flight test to be a private pilot. I’m so proud of my friend for this accomplishment! It’s HUGE!

Here are some pictures from our day. It was for sure one of the best days ever.

So far this trip has been a dream. A perfect getaway from the still cold New England weather. I still have two more days and I am going to soak up this warmth to the max. Hope you’re having a great weekend wherever you are!

buh-bye beantown!

(photo credit: Francesca Russell via Flickr)

I’m on my way to TAMPA to enjoy the sweet sunshine and near 90 degree weather.

Yes, please!

I’m visiting Caroline and Peter and Penny. I can’t even wait to be there chillin’ out maxin’ relaxin’ all cooooo. I totally packed like a bazillion shorts and dresses. I just couldn’t decide. I can never decide. Whatevs! I’m more than prepared and that’s all that matters really.



Buh-bye, 40 degrees! Adios!

sublime ice cream sandies

oh my goodness. oh my gooooooodness.

I picked up these ice cream sandies the other day at Trader Joes and to my pleasant surprise they were absolutely scrumptious. Actually, that’s a lie. I don’t know why my fingers just typed that sentence. Because it wasn’t at all to my pleasant surprise. I knew they were going to be amazing and I was 110 percent right. They were outrageously wonderful.

They were sublime.

Sublime Ice Cream Sandwiches from Trader Joe’s. The cookies are SO SOFT. The chocolate chips are SO YUMMY. The experience is one of a kind.

Thanks, TJs! Love ya!


One of my favorite parts about Pinterest is the amazing photography I have found of famous people. I love famous people. They’re beautiful, they’re rich, always stylish, often crazy, and I am fascinated by them.

Here are some of my very favorites:

Kerri Russell. via Hooray Design.

Alexis Bledel. via

Blair and Serena. Leighton Meester and Blake Lively. via

Ashley Olsen. via The Ballad of Dorothy Parker.

Kate Winslet. via

Zooey Deschanel. via

Carrie Mulligan. via

Sarah Jessica Parker. via

And, my very very favorite…

Rachel McAdams. Ever so fabulous. via

Good stuff. Pretty ladies. HAPPY TUESDAY!