Archives for November 2011

happy thanksgiving.


This year I’m thankful for happiness.

A job where I’m helping children for the better.

A house with lovely light and space.

A city that continues to inspire me.

Family and friends and a Zanner that love me for me.

This life is full of things to be joyful about.


And so, I’m thankful.

Just thankful.


Happy Thanksgiving. ♥

sunshine and colored leaves.

I spent another weekend in Beacon Hill with this little lady. Saturday I did double duty with another family I’m close with in the South End and it was both tiring and restful at the same time. Mostly restful to be perfectly honest. Yes, kids can be kids, but I always get the best night’s sleep when I’m on an overnight. It’s like there’s nothing else to do but relax and sleep so I soak it up and enjoy the evening in. The weekend weather was amazing (sweater and flats on Sunday!), I got to spend time in Boston, and now I have plenty of dough for Christmas shopping.


it’s reunion time.

Forget Thanksgiving, my high school reunion is Friday.

10 years, people.

When did I get so old??

Am I excited? I think so.

Of course, the Facebook has brought the “high school reunion” thing to a whole new level. Don’t I already know everything there is to know about people from high school? Curious, I think I do. Facebook also informed me that for $30 I can get unlimited drinks from 7-9. If beers are $5 (which I’m certain they are NOT in Syracuse) that means I’ll have to drink 6+ beers in 2 hours to get my money’s worth. And it’s doubtful I’ll leave at 9. Which means more drinks on top of that. Heck no to that offer. I’ll be on the floor before I can even reconnect with all those “peeps” from so many years ago.

I’ll be paying by the bottle, thank you.

Or maybe… I should go for the drink specials. I might need it, after all…

I’m excited, though, for serious. It will be interesting and that’s all one can hope for after a night with people from your past.

Something to talk about, that’s for sure.

And that, in and of itself, is the best reason to go.

apartment tour: bedroom

And so today marks the conclusion of the apartment tour. I hope you liked it. I certainly had fun showing it off. It’s work, putting a place together, but for me it’s super fun too. Once at a staff meeting during an “icebreaker” (can’t say that I love those), the question was asked, What would you be if you weren’t a teacher?, and the answer to that is so easy. I would be an interior designer. Grace Bonney would be my boss and I would work and blog at Design*Sponge. DREAM.

I would meet fun people and style homes and apartments with unique ideas and DIY talent.

All the live long day.

But for now, I guess this place will just have to do…

With any place, it’s all about the details you choose to incorporate into the home. What colors do you like? What memories do you hold close? How do you want to spend your evenings after a long day at work? Make your place comfortable and make it reflect you.

Personally for me it’s about color, charm, and attention to detail, which I think I captured just perfectly here in this wonderful apartment. I’m glad to call it home and I’m glad to have shared it with you.

Now who wants to come over for dinner??

Have a great weekend everyone!