So the snow may not have lasted very long, but winter sure is here. And it’s been COLD.
The other night I had to babysit in Beacon Hill. I drove in right from work and arrived about an hour early. My original plan had been to dive into some shops on Charles Street. You know, window shopping that turns into spending money that I don’t have. I like to do that sometimes. But last minute I grabbed my camera from the back of my car and took a walk around the city. I snapped photos until I couldn’t feel my fingers anymore. And then I snapped just a few more.
I don’t like winter, or darkness, or cold, but there was something just so beautiful about the other night.
The sky was eerie and had a kind of magic-like feeling to it.
And I couldn’t help but feel a sort of peace inside myself as I walked about.
No one was out, so it felt like I had the whole city to myself.
Even the ducks were all alone.
After taking a stroll through the Public Garden, I headed up Beacon Hill. I walked a way I have never been before, trying a new route, feeling determined with my camera.
I found lots of neat little alleyways and gorgeous historical architecture.
I particularly liked this little house. I imagined a story up about a couple who lived there– walking up the hill after a trip to the market. Bags of vegetables and other groceries in hand. The girl had a trench coat and an umbrella, the man in an irish tweed cap.
I didn’t have a chance to imagine more to the story because as soon as I took a few steps further I came across this:
Acorn Street.
I have heard about this street a hundred times but had never actually seen it for myself.
It felt extra special the way I came across it.
The empty streets.
The darkening sky.
The lanterns lit with warm light.
It took my breath away and left me frozen for a moment while I took it all in.
Then I crept slowly down the cobblestones reveling in the history of it all.
I loved it.
I loved that time to myself, exploring my favorite part of Boston in wintertime. I loved how the sky got darker and darker as I walked along, and how there was something so special about having the streets to myself, like I was stepping back in time.
As I walked back down to the flat of the hill, I snapped a few last pictures as the sky started to go black. I felt thankful for that hour of peace on a Friday afternoon. It cleared my head of the week and settled me in for a long, relaxing weekend.
Have you ever caught yourself in a moment alone like this?
It’s nice really seeing the world at your fingertips.
To stop and reflect for awhile, to take it all in and just be.