Archives for December 2012

on making it worth it.

I’m feeling thoughtful.

I don’t know why but the feelings are there. Maybe it’s because I heard some sad news yesterday. Or because it feels that with winter’s arrival things are closing in, shutting down, cozying up, settling in.

On Saturday it snowed. The evidence is long gone now– it didn’t last for more than a few hours, but it happened and I was a witness. It was kind of perfect, really. It being December 1st and all. I woke up and looked out the window, and there it was, that swirling white goodness falling from the sky. And I smiled.

Warmer days will always be my favorite, but this winter thing is important, too. It makes you take a step back. Look at your surroundings harder– to see your strengths and come to terms with your weaknesses. Feel your heart beating with just a little bit more appreciation as another year comes to a close.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about myself over the past few years and one thing I’m truly thankful for it is for my ability to see the good in things– in people, in situations, in experiences. I don’t exactly know how I got this way (thanks, mom and dad), but I do know that it’s a nice way to live. It’s an intentional way to live, too. You just have to believe it.

Be you and no one else.

Live passionately.

Practice kindness.

Feel beautiful.

Surround yourself with people that make you happy.



Laugh at yourself.

Let it go.


This life is what you make of it, and I intend to make it worth it.

Believe you are worth it too, okay?

Because you are.

We all are.

trimming the tree.

I’ve been collecting ornaments for a few years now. A couple are favorites from childhood, some I’ve gotten from friends, and others I’ve picked up here and there along the way. I love the variety and how many of them remind me of a certain time in my life or of certain people that I keep close to my heart. It’s fun going through the box of ornaments and unwrapping each one, finding the spot where it will live on this year’s tree.

I spent much of this weekend decorating. And when I was all done with the decorating I was happy enough just sitting back and enjoying my handy work. Pretty wondrous, if I do say so myself.

I think it’s safe to say it’s officially Christmas up in here.

Let the egg-nog drinking and Christmas movie marathon watching begin!