Archives for June 2014

right as rain.

Processed with VSCOcam with 5 preset

Hello sweet springtime, hello sweet friends.

Life lately has just felt so full. Full and good of weekends and workdays and somehow every day passes by and there’s not a minute to sit down and write. I think about this space a lot and all the pictures I want to post and all the things I want to say, but for now life is happening fast and busy and I am just running though it— speed on high, senses turned up.

It’s the time of year when my brain is spinning and I can’t for the life of me keep my house clean and mornings are early and nights are late and weekends are GLORIOUS and summer is ALMOST H E R E! And I love my job, adore it! But I  just can’t wait to sit the frack down and DO NOTHING. Imagine! What does that even feel like? I’m not sure I remember but I can’t even wait.

Spring is the best isn’t it? Before I get all high on summer I feel like it’s only right to take a moment to really love on spring. It’s such a sweet spot in the year— WAY BETTER than fall in my personal opinion. I’ve wondered to myself quite often, how can anyone say their favorite season is fall when they’ve come through the depths of winter and felt the glory of May? I just don’t understand it. SPRING WINS.

Spring and it’s rain and it’s flowers and it’s newness and hope will always and forever win.


A few favorites lately:

Kate’s soundtrack {always}.

Mary’s “A Picture is Worth” series.

AmeliaMeghan, Belle and Sheena’s instagram feeds.

And! I also managed to get a few reads in this spring. Whoo!

Delancey // Mumbai New York Scranton // We Were Liars

All very different from each other– all very good!


Until next time. xo