boston ballet // shades of sound

Boston Ballet Boston Ballet

Earlier this week my good friend Katie offered up some Boston Ballet tickets and I jumped at the chance. I LOVE ballet and LOVE the Boston Ballet, so instantly my response was “ME!! Yes! A dream!” Also, Zan was going to be away and I had no plans but to type and print out invitation envelopes all weekend, so this would be a perfect Saturday night getaway for me. I asked Zan’s sister Nell if she wanted to see the show with me and we made plans to head into the city Saturday night for an evening of dancing and music.

Shades of Sound was so lovely. There were three completely different pieces of ballet set to three different pieces of music and I very much loved it all. The photos above are from George Balanchine’s “Episodes”, and of all three pieces this one was my favorite. I love the simple leotards and classic dance moves. Completely gorgeous and so much of it reminded me of my studio days which at this point feels like a lifetime ago. Point shoes and seamed tights and some of the best memories I will ever have.

I read a few weeks back how Rachel went back to taking classes this past year— it’s always something I think about but never end up doing. Maybe someday, though. Seeing the Ballet last night inspired me instantly. I always get goosebumps and the urge to get those arms in fifth position, to stretch my arches and leap + twirl all the way home.

Thank you for the tickets, Katie! You absolutely made my weekend! xo

// Photos c/o the Boston Ballet

Also if you’re interested,
some behind the scenes videos
here, here, here and HERE. :)

{the last one is so good!}

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