apartment tour: bathroom

Man, we are nearing the end of the apartment tour. What, what!

It’s never ending, right?

But so totally amazing?

You love it?

Or you hate it?

Either way, it’s almost done so bare with me for these last two rooms today and tomorrow.

Now presenting… (drumroll, please)…. the LOO.

I think this bathroom is so flippin’ sweet. The blue tile is so snazzy. It’s even on the ceiling. How’s that for fancy?

We’re pretty much keeping it simple in here.

Simple as in that NO PARKING sign over the pot (I couldn’t help myself) and those totally amazing and adorable ikat towels that I DREAM about at night. What a steal those were (Anthro!).

That’s about it for this room.

And for a potty house I think it’s da bomb.

apartment tour: office/study

Oh, the study! How I love you so.

This room is a way for me to hold on to the orange and flowery decor that graced my old bedrooms over the past 6 years. It’s also a place for me to hold my “junk”. And I mean that in the nicest possible way. This is the room where my many books are held, endless picture frames of friends and family, and where I do my blogging gig. It’s real life, folks. And this is where is happens.

My mom made the orange curtains for me out of a king size Ralph Lauren sheet. Crafty, amiright? That amazing desk was brought by Zan and although I have to admit I took over the decorating, he brought a lot to the table in terms of home furnishings (the coffee table is his too). So, thanks, Zanner!

I spend many afternoons in this colorful room and it makes me happy. Orange: it’s good for the soul.

apartment tour: kitchen

Welcome to the kitchen.

I think this room pretty much speaks for itself. It’s where we eat. And cook. And bake some too. The huge window over the sink is so refreshing… it brings light into the kitchen from dawn to dusk. Much of the details in here are inspired by Anthropologie. That place is most certainly heaven on earth, and so each time I go in I pick up a little piece of heaven to bring home.

Have a seat and stay awhile…

apartment tour: dining room

On to the dining room! This room holds a special place in my heart because I spent so much freaking time on the curtains! Yes indeed, I made them myself with my own two hands. Painted them, I should say. And it took me a looooooong time. Good thing they look awesome, cause otherwise it might not have been worth it. I really love the way this room turned out. The colors are beautiful and a nice contrast with the living room, which is right next door.

The buffet table was gifted to us from Zan’s family (I’d been eyeing it all summer long) and it’s the perfect piece for that long wall. The day they told me we could have it I did a little dance that might have had me snapping my fingers and clapping my hands.

See that wing-back chair? One day back at my old apartment I found a guy throwing a pair of these chairs away. Said they were his mothers, and that he was moving to China and needed to get rid of them. Um, whaaaat? Instantly, they were mine. Freeeeeeee. For now I am looking into oatmeal colored slip covers (the other chair is in the bedroom), but eventually I would like to have these puppies slipcovered in a spectacular fabric. Like, when I’m old and rich. Or something like that. A girl can dream.

Best of all, my Aunt Heidi (mom’s sister) painted that piece of artwork over the buffet. Isn’t it GORGEOUS? I just think it looks so lovely in this space. Beeee-eautiful.

These touches to the room are my favorite. The turquoise vase is from West Elm, but the yellow one is a handmade piece of pottery by Zan. Yes, he was quite the potter in high school. Who knew? I keep saying we should get a potter’s wheel and a kiln for the basement. Wouldn’t that be something special.

Oh! And I have to mention here that that a-DOR-able mustard yellow bow pillow is from one of my very favorite bloggers, E Tells Tales. She has a shop on Etsy, Iviemade, with the most adorable throw pillows of all time. I just had to get one for myself, and once I decided yellow was one of the accent colors in this room the deal was done.

Up tomorrow: kitchen love. Get ready for it!