a baby shower for my friend.



Tiny clothes!


This past weekend I made the short trek up to Maine for my friend Hannah’s baby shower. It was so nice to get out of the city for awhile, and even nicer still to be celebrating the coming of new life. Hannah and I met our sophomore year in college, became fast friends, and spent the majority of our time together the rest of our young and crazy college days. I feel extra lucky to have stayed such close friends with her as the years pass us by and I am SO glad I was able to be there to celebrate her tiny still-in-the-oven baby Magee. All in all, such a happy day.

Hannah, I am over the moon excited for you. I KNOW you are going to be an absolutely amazing mom. I love you, friend and I can’t even wait to meet him!

{p.s. that knit blanket + sweater/hat/mitten set? H’s mom has got some SURRRIOUS skills. Lessons, please!!}


The baby’s room colors are orange and gray, so I got my gift for Hannah here.

Also, because OF COURSE, books. Lots and lots of books, but my most favorite here.


And for fun, one of my favorite posts ever
{small pictures and all}

the best christmas party ever.

The holiday season is always a great excuse to have a party. And this particular party was nothing short of the best of the best. Hands down. I loved it. Every single bit of it.

Go ahead– give a listen and have a look!

I’m pretty sure throwing parties is one of my favorite parts of life. I get totally excited and SO into it. Clearly.

I decked out the dining room in twinkle lights and glitter garland. We had the turn table playing the whole night and there was drinking and dancing to boot. We didn’t worry about making food, instead we just stocked up on Costco and Trader Joe’s goodies. And we didn’t worry about making noise either. It was perfect.

I decided the morning of the party that I wanted to make a Smilebooth. You know, the ones you see at weddings and such? I went to Target and bought some sweet frosted bulbs, and then cut up some tinsel to make a garland backdrop. It took me less than an hour and it was the best part of the party…

I think it’s safe to say everyone had a blast. If a messy house the next morning is the evidence of a good party, then ours was GREAT.



Here are the favorites from the Smilebooth…



Girlfriend loves a photo op.

We did alright with this one, I think.


happy birthday, zanner!

It’s this guy’s birthday today.

We are going to have boulibase and angel food cake tonight! And I am excited.

Here are some of my favorite posts about us/him:


{photo a day}: someone you love

the story of zan the lobsterman.

a happy, happy birthday.


(I think he’s pretty special.)

Happy, happy BIRTHDAY, Zanner!

thanks for the wishes.

This year’s birthday was everything.

I had a great Monday in first grade.

I came home to balloons all around the apartment and streamers as decorations, too.

There were dinner party people with hats and cheer and smiles.

There was taco soup and root beer and raspberry chocolate angel food cake.

There was the best present ever.

And some pretty cute new outfits for school!

There was thankfulness for everything.

So, thanks! Thanks for the wishes and thanks for the love!

This weekend I’ll continue this celebration called life by heading on down to the one and only New York City. You’ve probably figured out I kinda like that place by now, huh? I can’t wait to spend a little time there in all it’s fall glory. Zan and I are staying in a hotel that overlooks Manhattan, and there’ll just be a lot of skittering around the city like I do. I was hoping to cross this off my bucket list (I got a gift certificate!), but the classes are pretty much all filled at this point, so it might have to be saved for another time. I always want to see and do everything, and there’s never enough time in one trip, so others will be planned in the near future. New York is one of my favorite cities to visit and I have no desire to stop any time soon. I’m never too stressed about not getting everything in because there’s always next time!

As far as this trip goes, I’m excited to have Zan with me this time around, and my sister is going to be there, too. The weather is going to be beautiful, which is great because that’s how I like to roll. YAY for fall weekends in awesome places.

Have a good one!