a mix of photos + filters + my favorite places.

This post is mostly a collection of photos filled with a mishmash of places and moments from this weekend. I took my camera everywhere I went and snapped pictures when I felt like it and was present in the moment when I felt like doing that, too. I think I’ve finally found a balance in the capture.

Here are some of the views worth sharing…

These two neighborhoods, Beacon Hill and The South End, are two of my most favorites in this city. There are always new pockets to discover, but for me, the highlight is always about visiting the most loved and most familiar. I’m a sucker for routine, a creature of habit– and this weekend, these photos, are no different.

I could walk down these brick lined streets a thousand times, in winter, spring, summer, or fall—

and never, ever tire of it.


P.S. For those of you who’ve asked, I take my photos with a Nikon D3100 (above) and my iPhone 4. Lately, I’ve been filtering all my photos through the VSCO cam app on my iphone. I love the tones and the feel it gives to my pictures. My dream is to someday get Photoshop, but for now I’m just sticking with the freebies.

P.P.S. For those of you who’ve given compliments on my photography, THANK YOU. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It always makes me smile and it really and truly means a whole awful lot. ♥


{all images © anna e. burns | please link with love.}

snapshots + some monday ramblings.

So, if you haven’t noticed, it’s pretty much vest season for me. I hardly go anywhere without a vest this time of year. I layer up, put one on, and I’m good to go.

Vests I swear by:

Lands End Canvas

Old Navy


The Old Navy one is by far the best deal. 20 bucks later and you’ve got the cutest vest around! Go get one. You’ll love it.

In other news, I went to the SOWA Vintage Market this weekend. That place is just the greatest. I came back with these two steals:

The boots were $27 and the vintage New Yorker magazine cover was a dollar.

What a gold mine.

These photos are all snapshots from the past three weeks in Boston. Mostly, they are from my weekends here in the Bean. There is something about a weekend at home that is just so glorious. Nowhere to go, nothing to do. Like I said, GLOOORYYY. Now I love weekends away as much as the next person, but after a month of traveling in August, and a bunch of weekends away in September, weekends in Boston are welcomed and appreciated. This weekend was filled with bike riding into Harvard Square and dinner’s out and sleeping in. I did laundry, and organized the house. I did work for school, walked around the city, and spent plenty of time vegging out in front of the TV.

Homeland, guys. Watch it. Watch it NOW.

Reasons for you to believe that Homeland is AMAZING:

1. My mom told me about this show.

My mom has the most amazing history with finding shows. She was the one who told me about LOST. And waaaay back in the day she discovered My So Called Life. Best shows ever? I think so.

2. Speaking of My So Called Life, Claire Daines is in Homeland. CLAIRE. DAINES. My #1 celebrity girl crush of all time. BEST ACTRESS EVER. Anyone remember my vlog from way long ago? Where I expressed my forever love for her? Still rings true, people. Still rings true.

3. It won the Emmy AND Golden Globe for Outstanding Drama Series and Best Television Series, respectively. DELICOUS. I’m telling you.

Well, I guess that’s enough rambling for one Monday.

Hope you all had a good weekend, too!

for you, for fall.

Home life is moving pretty slow lately and I’m having an easy time enjoying it.

That’s what this season is for right? Slowing down, curling up, settling in.

School life is faster though, and it’s been great, but tiring. So far, the school year is going so well. SO busy, but so so well. I’m just now getting to the point where I feel organized and on my game. There’s always so much to do at the start of the year it’s hard for me to leave my classroom at a decent hour and my whole body (and mind) seems to get affected by the long eventful days. It usually takes me a few weeks to feel settled and confident in the routines, but I think I’m finally there. I love my class this year (they’re a whole bunch of smarties!) and I feel like we’re going to do really good things together. I’m so excited about it.

Besides teaching an abundance of six year olds, I’ve been busy wearing polka dots, watching Homeland, eating Oreos, and enjoying the twitter. Also, I’ve been reading this and this and this and this. Seriously. Whoever said I couldn’t keep up the reading once school started was a fool.

(p.s. it was me who said that. I am the fool.)

(p.p.s. For every one book read, there is a second book I listen to. In the car. On the way to (and home from) work. Look at that! Now you know my secret.)


I made a fall playlist, for you…

for you, for fall. from dearfriend on 8tracks Radio.

Because you’re awesome. And you’re worth it.



Happy weekend!

on welcoming fall and bike riding dreams.

Well, fall. I guess you’re here.

And I guess we’ll keep you.

Yesterday was one of those rare (but sacred) Mondays where teachers everywhere got the day off. Now I don’t believe that Columbus should get any of the credit, but I do believe in a day off every once in awhile, so I went along with it. Hopped right on board that Columbus Day train.

This day yesterday was all about bike riding dreams and chocolate nutella covered waffles and loving Boston. This day was just what I needed.

I feel like I’ve been in kind of an inspiration rut since summer ended. It happens to me every year. It kind of feels like the day after Christmas. Or your birthday. Or an awesome weekend with your favorite friends. You know the feeling, right? You are so excited and the anticipation is amazing and then it (whatever it is) happens and you’re loving life and the experience and the world and then, BAM. The next day it’s over and that’s it.

Over and done and you kind of feel blah.

Well that’s how I always feel when summer ends and fall hits.

Just kind of blah.

I don’t like being cold and I don’t like how it gets dark so early and I just don’t like having to wear so many clothes.

Aaaaanyways. Enough complaining.

This weekend was good. It was chilly and it got dark early and I had to wear a lot of clothes, but it was good. My sister and I rode our bikes all the way into Boston. We breathed in the fresh air and chatted throughout our ride. We took a walk through the North End and walked into shops and stopped for some food (we tried Saus, per Rachael and Bridget’s recommendation), we met up with our old roommate (and awesome friend) Lauren, and we basically just had a day filled with good in this city that is ours.

Boston has a way of doing that. Giving you a reason to love the seasons.

The trees are turning and there is beauty simply everywhere you look. And I don’t like cold, but I do like cozy. So there’s that.

I guess I’ll keep you, fall. I’ll keep you and your colors and your weekends for bike riding through the city.

I’ll keep you til Christmas and it’ll be good.

Cozy and very, very good.