I’m over at thread the needle today!

I’m excited to be featured in the Introducing Series over at Thread the Needle today!

I met Maria through Boston Bloggers and we’ve been twitter friends for awhile now. We have similar style taste as is evident through our blogs, and I’m excited to meet her in person tonight at the Boston Blogger’s February Meet-Up. FINALLY!

I really enjoyed answering Maria’s questions during our recent Q & A session —  check out my post to learn the story behind my blog’s name and other fun facts about me.

See you back here tomorrow!

guest post: on beaktweets today!

I’m guest posting for Claire over at Beaktweets today about my hopes and dreams for 2012…

When Claire asked me to write a guest post I got really excited.

“Yes, of course!,” I replied. And my smile was as wide as the distance we are apart (that’s east coast to west coast wide).

And so ensued me thinking about what to write. Hopes and Dreams for 2012 was my prompt. So I sat (and I sat) and I thought (and I thought) and then I just started writing. And what came out of it was a list of things that I want to remember. These are my hopes and dreams because these things are important to me.

And I hope they speak to you a little too.

Take a look!


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