the best christmas party ever.

The holiday season is always a great excuse to have a party. And this particular party was nothing short of the best of the best. Hands down. I loved it. Every single bit of it.

Go ahead– give a listen and have a look!

I’m pretty sure throwing parties is one of my favorite parts of life. I get totally excited and SO into it. Clearly.

I decked out the dining room in twinkle lights and glitter garland. We had the turn table playing the whole night and there was drinking and dancing to boot. We didn’t worry about making food, instead we just stocked up on Costco and Trader Joe’s goodies. And we didn’t worry about making noise either. It was perfect.

I decided the morning of the party that I wanted to make a Smilebooth. You know, the ones you see at weddings and such? I went to Target and bought some sweet frosted bulbs, and then cut up some tinsel to make a garland backdrop. It took me less than an hour and it was the best part of the party…

I think it’s safe to say everyone had a blast. If a messy house the next morning is the evidence of a good party, then ours was GREAT.



Here are the favorites from the Smilebooth…



Girlfriend loves a photo op.

We did alright with this one, I think.


trimming the tree.

I’ve been collecting ornaments for a few years now. A couple are favorites from childhood, some I’ve gotten from friends, and others I’ve picked up here and there along the way. I love the variety and how many of them remind me of a certain time in my life or of certain people that I keep close to my heart. It’s fun going through the box of ornaments and unwrapping each one, finding the spot where it will live on this year’s tree.

I spent much of this weekend decorating. And when I was all done with the decorating I was happy enough just sitting back and enjoying my handy work. Pretty wondrous, if I do say so myself.

I think it’s safe to say it’s officially Christmas up in here.

Let the egg-nog drinking and Christmas movie marathon watching begin!

scenes from a thanksgiving in connecticut.


This year for Thanksgiving my sister and I headed down to Connecticut to spend the holiday at my Grammy’s house. My parents drove down from Syracuse and it was a perfectly relaxing weekend spend with my mom’s side of the family. Greenwich is where my mom grew up, and since we’ve been taking trips here a few times a year since I was born, it truly does feel like home. I know the town like the back of my hand and although I do spend some times out of doors, I always feel happy enough just kicking my heals up and basking in relaxation– which is much of what I did this trip and exactly the kind of weekend I was looking for.

Thursday was spent watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade in our pajamas, pouring all the love into baby Hope, and then spending time together cooking and eating. We had an early dinner, and by 6:00 were all quiet and sleepy, the aftermath of too much rich food and much too many varieties of delicious pie. It was in a word: wonderful.

Friday my sister and I took a stroll down Greenwich Avenue, dipping into our favorite stores to shop the Black Friday sales. We both came back with goodies for our closets, and less money in our wallets than we’d had the day before. Since my gifts this year are all being bought handmade, this day was of the “treat yo self” variety. And a very nice treat it turned out to be.

All in all it was a such a good weekend. It was good to be with family and it was so very good to be “home”.

happy thanksgiving.

There is so much love in my heart for all I’ve had in my life this year.

For the experiences.

For the good health and good cheer.

And most of all, for the people who fit so perfectly into my story. For the ones who have always been there, and the ones who have come along and stayed.

Thanks for filling up my heart, you.

You mean the world to me.


Happy Thanksgiving, friends.