for mary, for spring.

for mary, for spring. from dearfriend on 8tracks Radio.


On Sunday it was my friend Mary’s birthday. One of the very best parts of blogging {+ tweeting!} is the friendships I have made and Mary is one of my favorites. I’ve been wanting to share a playlist for awhile and in M’s last letter to me she requested some music.

I hope you all enjoy.

This one goes out to you, friend. Happy Birthday. ♥

stubborn love.

Winter is kind of a stubborn love isn’t it?

I’m being dramatic, but it totally is.

You get these good days (Christmas! Snow! Hot Chocolate!), and then you get these really dark, cold, forever long days where you don’t do much of anything and feel a lot like a nothing in this crazy mix of seasons.

Dramatic, I know, but completely true. For me at least.

I’m ready for spring already, but from the looks of this past weekend, winter is just not ready to budge yet.

STUBBORN, that winter.

And blah.

Anyway, to help with the winter blues I’ve been pouring all my energy into this etsy shop (opening Friday!) which in turn means I haven’t had much left for the blog lately. I’m kind of bummed about it— this not having time and energy for writing and story telling, but know it’ll all even out soon enough. Also, winter isn’t the best match for me and inspiration, so I’m fine with taking it slow for awhile. Slow and steady till we get to spring, that’s how we’re going to do it around here.

I took a handful of pictures in Boston after the storm (which was pretty sweet), but instead of sharing my photos I thought I’d lead you to some of my favorite Boston friends who did some great photo recaps of their own experiences with Nemo…




Melanie + Bridget + Clair + Alex + Smita

Preeeeetty sweet, like I said.

And also, while we’re on the topic of stubborn love (and the entire reason for this post)…


And more specifically,


I can’t stop listening. It’s been months and months, and I JUST cannot stop listening.

Most recently, The Lumineers came out with a music video for “Stubborn Love”, which I A-D-O-R-E:

“Stubborn Love”, The Lumineers

I cried, if you’re wondering.

Big tears.

It could just be winter making me emotional, but I don’t know. It’s sad and happy, but mostly sad. That kind of feeling that hits you right where it hurts, and then hits you again where it hurts so good.

Do you know what I mean?

Anyways, this one’s been on repeat for me for forever. What’s on repeat for you?

happy christmas to you…

Merry Christmas, friends!

I hope you’re all enjoying your time off as much as I am. Meaning, I hope you haven’t moved from the couch much or taken off your pajamas before noon in the last few days. I’m personally a HUGE fan of this year’s Christmas day set-up. Having the holiday on a Tuesday means a whole weekend before hand to enjoy and celebrate. This year, I’m spending Christmas in Syracuse, eating a wide array of cookies that my mother baked up and watching as many Christmas movies as I can get my eyes on. Oh, and there’s LOADS of snow here, too.

In a word: Perfection.

I’ll be spotty on the blog for the next week or so, but before we all go off on our merry way, I wanted to leave you with this sweet Christmas mix I made. You could listen to it while you’re last minute wrapping your presents tomorrow OR while you’re opening your presents Christmas morning. BLISS. Lots of favorites on here, so pour yourself a cup of hot cocoa and ENJOY!

happy christmas to you. from dearfriend on 8tracks Radio.


(The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.)

Much love to you all. XO.

for you, for fall.

Home life is moving pretty slow lately and I’m having an easy time enjoying it.

That’s what this season is for right? Slowing down, curling up, settling in.

School life is faster though, and it’s been great, but tiring. So far, the school year is going so well. SO busy, but so so well. I’m just now getting to the point where I feel organized and on my game. There’s always so much to do at the start of the year it’s hard for me to leave my classroom at a decent hour and my whole body (and mind) seems to get affected by the long eventful days. It usually takes me a few weeks to feel settled and confident in the routines, but I think I’m finally there. I love my class this year (they’re a whole bunch of smarties!) and I feel like we’re going to do really good things together. I’m so excited about it.

Besides teaching an abundance of six year olds, I’ve been busy wearing polka dots, watching Homeland, eating Oreos, and enjoying the twitter. Also, I’ve been reading this and this and this and this. Seriously. Whoever said I couldn’t keep up the reading once school started was a fool.

(p.s. it was me who said that. I am the fool.)

(p.p.s. For every one book read, there is a second book I listen to. In the car. On the way to (and home from) work. Look at that! Now you know my secret.)


I made a fall playlist, for you…

for you, for fall. from dearfriend on 8tracks Radio.

Because you’re awesome. And you’re worth it.



Happy weekend!