five things on a sunday in march.



Rachael said she doesn’t usually do these things, and then she did (and I am glad). I’m here to say that I definitely do these things, so let’s get started already. These things are fun and fun is good.


one :: The nickname “Nanner” came about my junior year in college. I would always always always forget things as I was leaving my dorm and my crazy/silly neighbor (now a best friend) kept telling me I reminded her of her “Nan” (her grandmother). It stuck on pretty quick with the rest of my friends and I’ve never looked back since.

two :: Speaking of college, I had a really great group of girlfriends throughout my years at school. Senior year we all lived in a big brick house on the edge of a busy road in town. I will never forget the parties we had in that house. And the singing and dancing into the night. Crazy good, fun times. The best. I’m also still close with my high school girlfriends. They are some of the best people I know and I feel incredibly thankful to call them mine. I get really bummed out from time to time that we can’t see each other more often, but when we do see each other everything’s exactly the same as it always was and I always feel like the luckiest.

three :: Speaking of high school, my dad owned an old Cabriolet that looked just like this one during the year I was learning to drive. It was kind of old and run-down, but I really loved it. I still remember the way it smelled and the feeling of driving to the lake in the summer sun with top down and the music blaring. I get serious nostalgia when I think of that car and would give anything to go back in time to that summer, if only for a moment. SIGH.

four :: What else. My biggest pet peeve is when people drive too close behind me. I am not a slow driver, and so when this happens I often feel like the person behind me is just an impatient speed demon that obviously never learned driving etiquette. I instantly go on super defense mode and drive unreasonably and annoyingly slow just to piss the person tailgaiting off. I also get really mad and usually start shouting profanity into the rearview mirror as if the driver can hear me (to which the other person is more than likely shouting and cursing back at me). Not my finest moments, but I’m okay with it. And a disclaimer if you should ever find yourself in a car behind me: STAY BACK. Just stay back.

five :: I am a pretty serious perfectionist. Sometimes this gets in the way of life, but most of the time it’s just ingrained into who I am and I kind of love it. If I am doing something I am interested and passionate about (which I’d say is the case for 90% of the aspects of my life) then I will go above and beyond what would probably be perfectly acceptable and appreciated. This goes for blogging and instagramming and my etsy shop, and definitely teaching, and also party throwing. This does not effect keeping up with the laundry and emptying the dishwasher (unless I am having people over).

On the other hand, I am incredibly laid back and easy going (aside from the tailgaiting shenanigans, mind you). I take things as they come, try to see the bright side when things don’t work out, and generally live by the principals of “don’t sweat the small stuff” and “life is what you make it”, but also very much “everything happens for a reason.” I’m down with feeling all the feelings (goodness knows I love a good cry), but mostly I try to appreciate and enjoy life, because I see it as a gift and I’m not about to waste it.


And that’s that. It’s kind of hard to think of 5 random {hopefully new-to-you} things. But also fun, too.

The best is reading other people’s so here is where I will tag some of you:

Jenna + Eliza + Colleen + Melanie + Casey + Melissa


{P.S. My necklace is from Anthropologie and I am in LOVE.}

Happy Sunday, all!

VENICE // travel memories.

{A few weeks ago, I went looking for pictures from a past adventure to Venice, a trip Zan and I took what seems like a lifetime ago. For years I thought these pictures were only able to be viewed as thumbnails or actual prints, and was pleasantly surprised when I was able to download them in their full size, which prompted me to write this post. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed putting it together.}


When my sister went abroad to London in 2006, my family and I visited her for a week over Thanksgiving (another post for another time!). Zan was there, too, living and working in London. It was really perfect actually. We had a wonderful time on our trip to the UK, and I even stayed an extra week… touring and playing with my sister and her college friends. And that’s when Zanner and I decided to take a little weekend trip to Venice. Because when you’re already abroad… why not?

We flew for $15 dollars or something crazy like that. It’s like that over there— they have the CHEAPEST flights. And it’s the best.

There is so much to say about this trip, but it’s hard for me to find the words to say it all. Also, time has blurred my memory a little, which is inevitable, but makes me a little sad. I have bits and pieces in my mind. About getting lost plenty of times, wandering the alleys and walking over bridges and streets along the canal. We found little wine bars, ate pasta and seafood, and gelato. We went to the islands of Burano (where they make lace) and Murano (where they make glass). We loved visiting the markets with meats and fish and jewelry and clothes. One of my favorite places in all of Venice was the Grand Piazza San Marco. It’s a beautiful open space and St. Mark’s Basillica can be found in the public square (along with hundreds and hundreds of pigeons). We walked and walked and took in the views. We had the most amazing time. When I look through these photos my heart aches for travel. I hope I appreciated all of this beauty while I was there. I still remember it as being the best vacation of my life, so I’m pretty sure I didn’t take a single step for granted.

Anyways, I hardly want to clog this post with words, because I think the pictures speak quite perfectly for themselves….


I could cry it’s so crazy beautiful.

I would give just about anything to go back.

Someday we WILL go back. We’ve been dreaming a lot about traveling to Europe lately.

But until then, I’ll just be thankful that I went.

And that I have these pictures and memories in my heart to prove it.

a look back on 2012 {in words and photos}…


This post took me the better part of two days. CRAZY. In a way I feel like I must be out of my mind to spend so much time on one post that will get lost in the shuffle sooner rather than later, except I know I’m not crazy at all because I LOVED THIS YEAR and I love this post and it was completely worth it to take the time and look back on it all and reflect and be thankful.

Now I have lots of thoughts about 2012 but, of course, I’m spent and I have no energy to write it.

… except for this:

2012, I have loved you.

You were fun and you were eye-opening and you were full of light and love.



And also…


Thank you, thank you! for reading and for following along on all of my adventures.

I am proud and humbled by what this little blog has become over the course of this year. This space makes me smile (BIG) and I’ve loved documenting and sharing everything here and with all of you.

I wish you a full and beautiful 2013. May you be thankful and healthy and most of all, may you be HAPPY.



Cheers, friends.


loving on the lake.

9. Swim in Skaneateles Lake.

“Skaneateles waters shining

Under skies so bluuuuu-uue

And the white clouds’ silver lining

Paints our colors true.”

Days on Skaneateles Lake could easily be classified as some of the best days of my life.

Hands down.

Every time.

A lot of the time I wish I didn’t live so far, but mostly I’m just thankful to be able to visit.


From the clearest, cleanest water,

to the gorgeous scenery,

from rides on the party boat…

to breezy afternoons on the hammock,

and best of all, for the family that frequent there,

this place holds a special spot in my heart,

and I’m incredibly happy it’s home. ♥♥