
So it’s been a little over a week since we’ve been at our new place, and although it’s not done yet, it’s starting to feel like home. I’ve been working and working to unpack the boxes and find places around the apartment for the contents. With this apartment, I’m trying to go simple. I’m a nick-nack collector, which is good for the memories, but not great for the space. When I started packing up my old apartment, and it seemed like the little stuff was never-ending, I decided to put my foot down. I packed a bunch of bags to give away, and packed some boxes to send back home to my mom. A little bit of clutter is okay, but I don’t want to have too much stuff and especially nothing that feels overwhelming. Simple is so nice.

One of my real struggles is picture frames. I am SUCH a picture person! I love having pictures around that spark my memory, bringing me back to a fun time, or a friend I care about. Luckily, with the new place, there is space for a “study”, a place where I will keep my computer and books, and memories.  I picked out my very favorite frames and pictures and placed them on the bookshelves in the room. This feels like the right place for them and I’m pleased with it.

Lots of you are asking for pictures, but I’m waiting to feel a little more settled before I show the place off. Also, I’d like for the sun to be shining the day I snap the photos. The light in this place is incredible.

real simple.

This magazine is just delicious.

I could eat it up.

I LOVE the April issue. And basically every other issue ever made.

I honestly don’t know why I don’t have a subscription to this magazine. What the heck am I doing buying it off the magazine stand each month? I need to get it together on this front. I know I would never regret it. This magazine is perfection.

Also, while scouring the internet for REAL SIMPLE covers for this post, I came across these inspirational wallpapers via decor 8 blog.

There is supposedly 19 free “daily thought wallpapers”, but I can’t seem to find them on the website. If anyone knows if these still exist, please let me know. I would love to see the rest!

It’s almost the weekend!