mamma said there’d be days like this.

I honestly hate to be a Debbie Downer and usually try with all my might not to be, but yesterday was just one of those days that was hard. I messed up something at work that got me all nervous and worried and the whole rest of the day I felt off. Like nothing was really going my way. I spent the night relaxing with some hot tea and hit the hay early with my Kindle (I’m reading the second installment in the Hunger Games), but before winding down I clicked over to Pinterest to see if I could find any words to settle my woes.

I found all these nice quotes and decided to post them today. Because I know we all have days like this where we need a little pick me up. I hope your week is going better than mine and here’s to hoping today will be a brighter day for me.

37 days.

My apologies for being MIA this week. I’d been so good about posting too! This week has been hard for me getting back into the swing of work. Last week’s vacation was such a dream I think I may have spoiled myself a little too much with all that sleeping in and doing nothing. Most nights this week I’ve been too tired after work to do anything but fall asleep quicker than you can say “I can’t wait til summer”.

I adore my first graders, but they’re all ready for summer too, I think.

There is so much to do before the year is up it makes my head spin. I can’t believe there’s only 6 weeks left! My how it’s all flown by. The changes I’ve seen over the course of this year are amazing. They can read, they can write, their more engaged and excited about learning than ever. YAY! I’ve done the best job I can do and I’m proud of those little cuties.

Here’s to keeping the momentum going until the end….

37 more days!!


Yeah, you!

I heart this a lot.

(Buy this poster on Etsy)

happy saturday

Happy Saturday! The sun is out today and that’s good enough for me. Have a great weekend!