VSCO forever.

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Finally! Hooray! Yipeeeeee.


So. I’m kind of obsessed with the photo app VSCO cam. Maybe you knew this, maybe you didn’t. {Now you do.} Do you love VSCO, too? Seems silly to love an app so much, but whatever. It is what it is and my love for it is real. It’s over the top, but VERY REAL.

Recently the really smart people over at VSCO released a brand new app {separate from the original}, which is crazy good. I mean, the technology behind this stuff— honestly, MIND BLOWN. With the new app they introduced a new photography sharing platform, VSCO grid. Not a competition to instagram, just simply a salute to photography, which is an idea I can really get behind. An idea I’d LOVE to get behind. VSCO grid is not a form of social media. It’s not about followers, or likes, or comments. It’s about images, curation, craft. And to this I say, AMEN.

So, you can imagine my excitement when my invitation code came in my inbox yesterday. I immediately opened up my VSCO app and started picking out my favorite images. Since I do heavily use instagram, I think I’m going to reserve my grid for some of my “best” photography. My museum quality work, if you will.

{In other words, this is just another thing for me to get addicted too.}


A work in progess, but you can view my grid HERE.

Download the app for your phone here {you can sign up for VSCO grid inside the app}.

And you can take a look at some of the featured photos here.

Such art! And I’m glad to be a part of it.

hello! hello!

iphone case-2

OH! hello.

Dropped off the face of the blogger earth for a little while. But I’m back and it’s no big deal.

If you are here right now reading then I thank you. Thank you for coming back even though I was gone for awhile. And if you were one of those people checking this blog on the reg, then I want to hug you and give you chocolate. I don’t know exactly who you are, I just know you’re coming and that makes me smile.

Anyway. Enough of that.

Today I am getting a new phone and it is VERY EXCITING. I have literally had my old phone for over 2 years which is sad and unnecessary, but I am one to avoid change and so this is how it happened. Over the last few months or so my phone has been dying a very slow death (the circle button hardly works, my apps like to quit on me often and much) and today my instagram will no longer let me see things I want to see and so this is where I draw the line. Obviously, this is a GINORMOUS problem.

And so I am off! Right now! To the store to wait and wait probably for an hour or more but when I exit I will have my new little white iphone 5 in hand. And all will be right in the world again.

See you guys on the flip side!

And a happy Saturday to you all!


Rifle Paper Co. iPhone case c/o Red Envelope. LOVE.


A few weeks ago this sweet lady posted this photo and my instagram literally BLEW UP with new followers. I was BEYOND excited. Giddy! OVERJOYED! THANK YOU, TANIA! You rocked my world that day (and every day).

Anyways, I know I’ve said it before, but I’m completely obsessed (borderline addicted) to instagram. Since I know I’m not alone in this (I’m looking at YOU), I thought I’d pay it forward and share some of my favorites here. For me, the best part of instagram is getting a glimpse into the lives and days of others. I follow a few close real-life friends, a lot of bloggers, and a handful of skilled photographers, too. I love seeing the beauty in the everyday, but most of all I love way instagram makes good photography so accessible. I love this little instagram community— how you can instantly be transported to the hustle and bustle of New York City, the streets of Paris and Rome, or the beaches on the west coast. It’s a beautiful world out there and these people capture it perfectly…


My sister! I honestly LOVE her instas. And not just because she’s my family!

Loves Boston, New York City, puppies, and the ocean.


Gorgeous views of Italy all day every day. She lives in Rome. Mega SIGH.


I adore this woman’s shots of her day to day life. Wonderfully soft and full of simple magic.


Love this girl. And her precious Henny. Lives in New York City. Quirky. Adorable. Real.


Megan is one of my favorite bloggers, too. She is one of my biggest role models in photography and design. LOVE HER.


Owner and designer of (MY FAVE) Rifle Paper Co. She has a serious eye for pretty. Full of beauty and character.


I just love this family. Wholesome goodness from Texas (soon to be Nashville!). And the most adorable littles.


AMAZING photographer. Lives by the ocean in California. A beach lovers paradise.


{If you click on the name links, you’ll be transported to the IG pages, where you can easily follow if you’re logged into instagram.}


Now tell me, who are your favorites?