Shackleton’s Journey


Shackleton’s Journey, by William Grill on Goodreads


For a huge portion of the year I teach an integrated reading and social studies unit called “People Who Make a Difference”. Over the course of the unit we visit each of the seven continents and learn about geography, land features, and culture. We also delve heavily into reading biographies on inspiring people who have made a difference throughout history. I love teaching second grade SO MUCH. There is a never-ending supply of things to learn and read and do, each day is the most exciting {and sometimes crazy} race from start to finish. I also LOVE my class this year. They are so motivated and interested, every day is fun and incredibly rewarding.

Over the past two weeks we have been traveling through Antarctica learning about the coldest continent on earth, reading and writing facts about penguins, and seeing the dangers through the eyes the many explorers who have attempted to travel there.

This book about Ernest Shackleton is such a fantastic account of the journey he took exactly one hundred years ago — so many amazingly accurate details and drawings about one brave man and his crew trying (and surviving!) a truly heroic trip to one of the coldest places in the world.

ShackletonShackleton ShackletonShackletonShackletonShackletonShackletonShackletonShackletonShackletonShackleton

“I choose life over death for myself and my friends…
I believe it is in our nature to explore, to reach out into the
unknown. The only true failure would be to not explore at all.”

-Ernest Shackleton


We ended our study of Antarctica by writing diary entries from the point of view of the explorers. We painted the papers with tea to make them look old and everyone got so into it! I am so proud of my students and the voice they brought to their writing. Definitely some of their best work this year.


invincible summer.

outdoor havens outdoor havens outdoor havens

sources // one. two. three. four. five. six. seven.


I know just the other day I said I was ready for winter, but always, always I am ready for summer, too. It’s endless, honestly and I would never want it any other way. Also, I haven’t been writing on this blog much at all lately, but I am still reading them. Always, always reading.

Designlovefest has been on my reading list for a little over a year now because I’ve really been drawn to her love for color and creativity. Also her L.A. life intrigues me– it’s so drastically different than mine! Recently, she’s made a pretty noticeable shift in her content back to the basics of what’s inspiring her and I’m digging it. I like it because it’s exactly the kind of blogging I used to do when I first starting keeping an online record of things. Just inspiration. Straight up. And I love that.

Anyway. These outdoor havens are giving me total heart eyes right now. Winter may be here but that doesn’t mean I can’t dream of the pretty green hues of summer. Plus, I see that 5:00 glow slowly coming back. Happily on the upswing to the light.


// the photo links are likely a little willy nilly
on the original source front, but I tried my best.
Pinned here for more outdoor oasis viewing. :)

yarn shop love + weaving resources

yarn shop love

Winter has set in here and I am really ready for it. Ready for it in that bring me all the crafts kind of way. And in that pile on the fleece and play all the Grey’s Anatomy kind of way. But most of all ready for it in that BRING ME A SNOW DAY kind of way. You know, so I can craft wearing all my fleece watching Grey’s Anatomy ALL DAY. :)

I have really been having fun with this weaving gig I’ve got going on. The texture and colors are my favorite part and the relaxing nature of it all is the most wonderful bonus. I love how I never know how my weavings are going to turn out in the end. It’s a fun surprise every time.

I have been happily sharing photos of my work on instagram and the feedback has been so encouraging! Nice people giving nice comments and I am so thankful for that. A few people have asked if I’ve ever considered selling my weavings and my first thought is always BLESS YOUR KIND SOULS and my second thought is maybe! Someday! Possibly! What a fun thought. For now I am truly enjoying the creativity of it all but if I ever do decide to sell a few you will be the first to know.

I’ve also been asked about the yarn I am using which is the best question of all! Below are links to my favorite shops and the specific fibers I’ve purchased. It’s been so much fun collecting colors and weights and textures of wool. I’ve also added some other weaving topics including instagram accounts to follow and some basic online tutorials.  I hope you find something that you love here today and please let me know if you have favorite shops or great weaving resources of your own. I would love to hear and am always looking to add to my knowledge bank. Weaver Fever is for real. ♥

yarn shop love


Classes, Yarn, Looms, and Supplies…

Maryanne Moodie
{where I first fell in love with fiber art!}



Knit Collage // Cast Away Yarn {pictured above}

Jill Draper Makes Stuff

Reyarner // Muted Coral, Lace Weight

1AZColorworks // Robin’s Egg Blue + Seafoam

Miss Knit Yarns // Sari Silk with Sparkles

Beautiful Mayblossom // Mint + Pistachio

I have also gotten a good amount of yarn from Michael’s and Joann Fabric. My first choice is to support small artists and shops, and I often find the quality better albeit pricer, but these bigger chain stores have a few options as well.


yarn shop love


Storefronts I have visited…

Gather Here // Cambridge, Massachusetts

Purl Soho // New York, New York

Fancy Tiger Crafts // Denver, Colorado

{Visiting an actual store is SO special. Feel free to share in the comments if you know of any gems out there in the world.}


yarn shop love



Grey Fox Felting

Mohair and More // Mint + Salmon + Turquoise + Coral

Loom and Spindle // White


yarn shop loveyarn shop love


LOOMS + Supplies…

Maryanne Moodie on Etsy {I use this one!}

Lost Pond Looms

Loom and Spindle AU

Funem Studio

Fiber Huis


yarn shop love


Insatgram inspiration…

Maryanne Moodie  +  Smoothhills Weaving  +  The Weaving Kind

Paige and Roy +  Krystle Weaves  +  Jeannie Makes

Meghan Shimek + Leeleeazz


yarn shop love



{I want to quickly say that I haven’t really used any weaving tutorials myself. My skills and knowledge of weaving came from taking Maryanne’s class and from lots of experimenting and practice! I have viewed the tutorials listed below and think they might be a helpful start to anyone who is willing to take the time to learn on their own. I always work best with a hands-on lesson from an actual human so paying the money for a class was worth every penny to me and I highly recommend it to anyone who can find the means to get to Brooklyn or perhaps is lucky enough to find a class in your city!}

Weaving for Beginners — really good videos!!
One + Two + Three + Four + Five

Weaving Basics + Getting Fancy

DIY Woven Wall Hanging Tutorial

For kids, too!

Weaving 101


yarn shop loveyarn shop love

Hot damn! These posts always have a way of turning out so epic.

I hope these links help any of you out there looking for supplies and inspiration. I have found over the last few months that if you look hard enough the resources are endless. It’s so exciting, all the creativity out there, isn’t it?


“Oh, it’s delightful to have ambitions. I’m so glad I have such a lot. And there never seems to be any end to them– that’s the best of it. Just as soon as you attain to one ambition you see another one glittering higher up still. It does make life so interesting.”
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

and a happy new year.

Last year was so crazy when I stop and think about it. The best kind of crazy in the world. The kind that makes my eyes shine and my heart pump fast.

Crazy exciting. Crazy busy. Crazy wonderful.

The best part about all of it is that I had no idea that any of it was going to happen. Not a clue! It’s so fun isn’t it? To be at the start of a new year and have no idea what it will bring?

What will 2016 bring?

I hope it brings happiness. I hope it brings travel. And projects and books and adventure. I hope it brings family and I hope it brings friends. I hope it brings calm. And a good amount of excitement. I hope it brings love and I hope it brings JOY.

I love the beginning of something new.

Hope, hope, hope.

May your year be merry and bright. ❤️