on happiness: making time for me.

I’ve been really loving the afternoons lately. I love coming home from school and taking walks around town, watching the leaves change colors and grabbing a coffee for kicks. Last year I was so horrible about leaving school at a reasonable hour. I would stay until 5, sometimes 6, then come home exhausted and unmotivated to do anything but sit on the couch in front of the TV with my computer at my lap. I know it was my first year, and the first years of teaching can be tough, but I was going to burn out at the rate I was going. One of the reasons I think I stayed so late is that I am an over-achiever when it comes to the teaching world. I want everything to be “just so” and I sometimes would end up spending hours on the littlest details of a lesson, or the way something was placed around my room.

Maybe it’s because I’m missing summer and all that glorious time I had to myself, the “me time” that I grew so fond of over the passing summer days, that as this school year started, I’ve been wanting to hold on to that time, to savor it for as long as I can keep it. I realized I can still have this time during the school year, but I need to make it happen for myself. I need to leave school after the day is done (I am putting a 1 hour max on the time I spend working after school) and enjoy this beautiful life. My work allows me to have the afternoons to myself, and I’ve realized I’m lucky to have this time as a teacher. But I also know as a teacher, that I deserve this afternoon break. I need to unwind and relax to keep me focused and energized while I am in the classroom. It’ll be no good if I tire myself out at the beginning. I feel more comfortable after my first year, feel as if I can let go of my need to be perfect, and just enjoy what I do.

So, I’ve been getting up earlier in the morning to get stuff done at school, so I can use my afternoons for me. It’s working out great so far. I’m getting outside more and feeling more balanced between work and home. I’m cooking more–last night we made tacos and this Thursday I’m planning to break open my new ice cream maker. And soon, I plan on getting into a more solid groove with yoga. I’m just about finished with The Happiness Project and have found it to be very helpful and informative on how to work on aspects of your life to keep you happier on the whole.

Leaving school early is one of the ways I can keep my happiness high, so this is where I will start.


new bedding is my fave.

This weekend the new bedding arrived and I am in love. My old bedding was lovely and all, but I’d had it since college. Plus, I don’t know how much Zan appreciated the flowers and excessive pink. I recognized that it was time for a change, and I took charge. I looked for something that was neutral, but still reflected my love for that orangey-pinkish red color that I have always loved. Also, I was going for a more “grown-up” look. Simple, too.

Here is what we have now… grey and pinkish-red. NICE!

Bedding is one of those things that I can’t get enough of. I had 3 quilts and 2 duvets that I rotated in my old apartment. Believe me, I KNOW that’s excessive. But what’s a bedding lover to do? I like the idea of changing it up between seasons, or just if you’re needing something new. Right now, for this new color scheme, we only have the one duvet. And is it ever dreamy. Organic cotton from West Elm. ON SALE. Hearts all around. It’s so soft and cozy. Sleep is even that much better now.

Eventually, I imagine I will get something else to add to the collection, but for now this is perfectly perfect.

Do you like it? I’m digging the simple look. You know, aiming for that clutter free life I’ve been talking about.

More pictures of the apartment soon!

talkin’ a walk…

Yesterday I left school right at 3 so I could make it home and enjoy the afternoon sunshine. This was my first official walk around Arlington, and it made me feel really happy. I loved being outside in the fresh air, taking long strides and soaking up the goodness of my new town. It’s quiet here, which I like, but there is still plenty to see and do and experience.

Here are some pictures I snapped along the way…

As you can see, I perfectly captured one of the first signs of fall. Besides that little vine of red leaves it’s still looks very much like the end of summer around here, but the speckle of red I spotted and the brisk air was proof that autumn is coming.

I ended the afternoon cozied up on the couch with a cup of caramel apple spice.

Perfectly delicious.

felicity ♥

Felicity being on Netflix means Christmas came early for me this year. And watching it for the second time is possibly even better than the first. When Felicity first aired in 1998, I was a sophomore in high school. A mere child. It feels different to watch it again after I’ve been through college, like I can understand it better than before now that I’ve lived it. Or something like that.

Anyways, I’ve found myself getting giddy over love.

And smiling and crying and everything in between.

I love how Felicity is true to herself. Her bulky sweater fashion and her gorgeously curly hair and her need to analyze everything down to the core. I love how she stuck it out in NY and against all odds, made it work.

Mixed tapes and floppy disks and all.


This show is simply one of the best of all time. The writing, the music, the camera shots, the cast.

A diamond in the rough. And I’m so very excited that it’s back for me to experience all over again.