
I stumbled upon my old copy of Anne of Green Gables while packing the other day. Oh, Anne (with an E), thanks for reminding me to use my imagination once in awhile. As I start my new year off, it’s always important to take a step back and view life through the eyes of a child. It makes teaching more fun, and makes connecting with children that much more special. Anne’s a little old for first graders, but it’s fun thinking about the different books I want to read aloud this year.

Here’s some ideas I have in mind.

Mrs. Piggle Wiggle

The Chocolate Touch

The Hundred Dresses

Those are some new titles I want to try out this year. Then of course, I have my very favorites that I couldn’t live without. And no child should go through school not hearing them either (in my humble opinion).:


Pippi Longstockings

Charlotte’s Web

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane  (my favorite)

Do you have any favorite stories for kids?? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this one!


instagram link-up

I think I captured Cape Cod pretty perfectly last week through my instagram photos. I couldn’t take enough pictures of the water (as is quite evident below!). The photo above is my favorite because it’s just so simple, which is exactly what I love about the sea. The water is sparking too, which makes it seem like some kind of magic.

Ahh, seashore, glorious seashore.

Hope you had a lovely Monday!


back to work (kinda)

Yeah, yeah, I know the picture doesn’t fit the title of this post, but I just wish I was chillin’ out on a ferry to some island instead of heading back to school today. It’s not the first day of school for the kiddos, only for teachers in my district. It’s a professional development workshop week to prepare for the new writing program we’re implementing this year. I’m excited, but there’s a huge part of me that’s still wanting to be on the beach.

I have to remind myself that some people don’t get a summer vacation at all. I’m one of the lucky ones in that sense. Teacher’s have got it good come warm weather, but we deserve it, too. It’s no easy job, even on the best days. I’m ready to tackle the new year and excited for the fun and challenges teaching brings. I love what I do, but it still doesn’t make seeing summer go any easier. My days of freedom are over until next June.

And so, I leave you with a song:
So long sweet summer.

Steppin’ Out

Well, here I am for another round of Steppin’ Out photos.  I’m backing up a bit to last weekend because we were all dressed up for a wedding at the gorgeous Sagamore Resort on Lake George. The location was absolutely incredible and the weather could not have been more perfect.

Here’s what I wore:

I spotted this dress at Anthro a few weeks before the wedding and I just fell in love with it. I really like the cut of the dress and the pattern is so fun for summer. It was nice for me to be able to wear my own dress to this wedding! Most of the other weddings I have been to in the past 2 years I have been a part of, so I was excited to find a fun stylish dress to dance the night away in.

This day was the kind of weather I dream of. And being by the lake?! No words.