
I need something IKAT in my new apartment. I’m in love love love with it and I’m just trying to figure out how to tastefully get this look into my new digs.

I’m thinking curtains would be lovely.

Navy blue? Or dark teal?? With my nantucket-y red couches?


I’ve already decided I’m making my own curtains. Buying is ridiculously expensive. Does anyone know how you get Ikat fabric? Thats not too pricey? Luckily, I don’t need too many yards cause the windows are on the smaller side.

Oh, I dreaming over here my friends. How’s your Monday going so far?

Photo credits (clockwise): J.crew, Diane Bergeron, Kendi Everyday, Madeline Weinrib


Steppin’ Out.

Well, here it goes. My first fashion post.

As a blogger, I read tons and tons and tons of blogs. And then some. My very favorites are usually lifestyle blogs, fashion blogs, and mommy blogs.

Yep. I said it. I LOVE mommy blogs.

And I can’t really figure out why. But it’s a fact of my life. I do. I like them. So sue me.

After talking with a lot of my friends (also not married or mommies) I have discovered that they enjoy mommy blogs too. So thankfully, I am not alone in this. Whew!

This “Steppin’ Out” post is inspired by two favorites of mine, Harper’s Happenings (mommy blog) and Kendi Everyday (fashion blog). It also just so happens, that Kendi did a guest post on Harper’s Happenings yesterday (which I just discovered right this very second as I am writing by blog). Small world, people. Small world.

Anyways, back to my fashion post. I definitely felt a little funny doing this. Posing for the camera, model-style, is not something I do everyday. Try, ever, actually. But I have to admit it was kind of fun. Zan and I decided earlier yesterday that we would use a gift card to The Fireplace I had gotten from my first grade class at the end of the school year (thanks, kiddos!). We don’t really go out to dinner much, and hardly ever to expensive restaurants so I decided I was going to dress up and have a little fun with it. Then I got the idea to do a “Steppin’ Out” post. It was Saturday afterall, so why not?!

And so ensued a lot of primming and prepping before the big night. We couldn’t get reservations til 9:30, so the pictures were taken in the dark, but I think they came out decent enough.

Here’s the outfit:

The (beyond adorable) dress was borrowed from my roommate Lauren, and the clutch was a recent bridesmaid gift from my friend Maureen.

I absolutely love the clutch. I had featured this on my blog back in March, and Moe decided it would be a great gift for us maids. Right she was. I also love how she picked colors to match out personalities and fave colors (mine being orange, of course!).

All pictures were taken by the ever so patient Zan-man. I have to give him a lot of props for helping me with this one. Through frequent laughs, we got some good pics and had a good time in the process.

I think I could seriously quit my day job and become a model, don’t you?! HA.

OH yeah, and dinner! Dinner was amazing! We went to The Fireplace on Beacon Street in Washington Square, which is just steps from my apartment. In all my years of living here in Brookline I’ve never been, but always wanted to go. The atmosphere is so cozy and the food is top notch.

Zan got the Braised Spring Lamb Shank (with Goat Milk Cream & Garlicky Spinach over Mixed Squash Stew & Cheesy Cornmeal Porridge). Oh so yum. This particular dish even won several awards, and it was easy to see why. Zan could not stop commenting on how buttery and delicious it was the entire time he was eating it!

And I went with the Sweet Corn & Goat Cheese Ravioli with Toasted Walnut Arugula Pesto, Cherry Tomatoes & Slivered Green Beans. Whenever I see goat cheese on a menu I swoon.

What a fun Saturday night. We were sure pleased as punch to have that gift certificate! 

on the mend.

My blog was acting real funny yesterday. Somehow, it got hacked into and the entire main page was just a plain white blank slate. It’s sort of semi-fixed, but still not quite perfect.

Scary much? YES.

I love this little old blog of mine. And I’d be reeeeeeeeal sad if it went away.

Luckily, I’ve got a good friend who knows about these things and he’s helping me fix it. We hope it will be back to normal soon.

I can still see my dashboard. And write posts. So for now, this will have to do. Just keep on keepin’ on.

Have a good Thursday. And cross your fingers for a speedy recovery for Dear Friend!

waters shining

When I saw this photograph via Pinterest, I got such a strong longing for Skaneatelas and the lake that I love from the summers of my childhood. There are lots of great things about living in Boston and I have truly grown to love it here, but I do often wish, especially in the summer, that Syracuse wasn’t so far away.

When it comes to water, everyone always has a preference.

Lake? Or Ocean?

My answer, hands down, never a doubt in my mind, is lake.

The water is so clear it’s like glass.

The feeling of lake water on your body is like a piece of satin brushing up against your arm.

It’s clean and refreshing and perfect.

The lake is summer. It’s home.

And I miss it.