thoughts on reconnecting

Last night I had dinner with an old friend. It felt so nice to reconnect and talk about both new times and old. We talked about the past and the present and the future. We drank cocktails and beer and had small plates and pizza. There were congratulations and retellings and catch-ups. There were laughs and smiles and good vibes.

This, I thought, is staying in touch.

This, I thought, is fun.

“Ah, how good it feels! The hand of an old friend.”
— Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

(image via party tights)

dusting off the old books

Today I’m heading to my classroom to start setting up for next year. This time last week I was absolutely dreading having summer end and the thought of going back to school was weighing on my shoulders. Somehow in a week my perspective has turned itself around. Maybe because it’s August, or maybe the idea of school has slowly seeped into my brain over the week, but I’m actually kind of getting excited.

I figure I’ll set up the classroom in the arrangement that I like (desks, book shelves, center areas) and then I’ll leave the decorating until the week before school starts. This way, I’ll be able to visually have an idea of how my classroom is going to look this year as I start mentally preparing my brain for the school year ahead. After this initial set-up I still officially have 3 more weeks of summer. I’ll be on vacation for a chunk of it, and I don’t want the thought of arranging my room looming over my head. I want to be able to enjoy the rest of this glorious season as much as I possibly can!!

Go me for not procrastinating. I’m taking life by the horns. That’s the teacher in me!

a birthday wish for KP

Is it really August 1st already?! This can only mean one thing (besides the fact that we’re on the latter half of summer and my rent is due):

It’s Katie’s Birthday!! I fortunately was able to spend the weekend with my friend, which makes for a pretty rad birthday present in my humble opinion. But in all seriousness, I’m just so happy that I got to spend the weekend with KP, doing awesome NY things, simply hanging out together.

I love this lady. She is pretty flippin’ sweet.

I wish you all things bright: happiness, laughter, love, and friendship. Today and all year long.


my weekend picture book.

What a great weekend in NY! We were fairly big tourists this weekend and I have to say I rather liked it that way. We had a great brunch at The Standard Grill under The High Line, then walked the length of the former elevated railway enjoying the green space and views of the NY city streets. I’ve been wanting to visit The High Line for awhile, and I’m so glad we stuck that into the weekend plans! The afternoon proved hot as we boarded the Circle Line Cruise and enjoyed a fun tour of Manhattan via boat. It was a great summer activity and I saw so many landmarks from a different perspective. New York City is truly incredible and this tour makes you really appreciate all it has to offer: the (mostly) big and small and everything in between. After the cruise, we took a quick (and necessary) trip to Fishs Eddy (MY FAVE!) and then we were lucky enough to enjoy GORGEOUS views of the city from Morgan’s roofdeck in the Flatiron District. It was so nice to be up so high soaking it all in and enjoying the summer sun. An amazing weekend with great friends (and terrific pictures to boot!).

Hope your weekend was FAB!