
I’m excited to be heading to New York this weekend to visit a best friend of mine from college. I absolutely adore visiting the city. As soon as I arrive it’s like I’ve entered a completely different universe. I love the crowds and the subway and the lights. I love going to brunch, shopping, and having drinks with good friends. Sometimes, at certain moments in my trip, and just for fun, I pretend that I live there. I pretend that I’m a regular, a city-girl, a “New-Yorker”. Over the years I have learned how to navigate the subway and visit the Boroughs, discovering little pockets in the vast mass of buildings and people. I pretend that I’m not a visitor, but instead just a girl, walking the streets, in the city of all cities.

And then, as the weekend comes to a close, the exhaustion hits me, and I realize I’m ready to go home.

…But for now, I’ve got that dreamy excitement in me, and I can hardly wait to get there.

Have a lovely weekend!

(photo via Pinterest)


I can hardly believe the last movie is over. Oh, how I enjoyed it so.

I know everyone says it, but there is little that I believe to be more true than this:

Harry Potter is the best book of all time.

Plain and simple. J.K. Rowling is nothing short of genius.

And with this statement, I’ve decided to start again from the beginning. I can hardly wait.

“He couldn’t know that at this very moment, people meeting in secret all over the country were holding up their glasses and saying in hushed voices: ‘To Harry Potter- the boy who lived!’ “

dog days.

Then followed that beautiful season… Summer….
Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; and the landscape
Lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


What a weekend!! The weather was hot (no complaints here!) and every single day was filled with good times and good friends. Moe looked incredible in white and the big day was an absolute blast. I was lucky to capture the weekend with my camera so here’s a sneak peak at the fun:

Congratulations, Maureen and Travis! Love and happiness to you always! ♥♥♥

** To view all my pictures from the wedding visit my flickr page or facebook.