back to the bean

It’s back to Boston today for me! The weekend was amazing, and although I’m sad to be leaving beautiful New York, I’m happy to be heading home.

Isn’t this print wicked?! I love it. Artwork by Bonnie Dain via Lilla Rogers Studio.

Happy Wedding Day, M + T !

Today, one of my very oldest and very bestest friends is getting married. I’ll be standing next to her as a bridesmaid as she says her vows and becomes Mrs. Maureen Elizabeth Hannah Tufte. SO exciting!! This wedding is especially special because Travis is a Marine, and so there will be a sword arch detail and many of the men will be in their dress blues. It’s also special because Mo and I have known each other since we were in elementary school. We became super close in high school (we danced Ballet together, but didn’t go to the same school) and ended up at college together as well! I guess you could say our friendship was meant to be. I’m so very happy for Maureen on this day, that she’s found happiness, forever friendship, and love. She deserves it more than anyone.

Cheers to Maureen and Travis!! Now let’s party!!

(top image from M + T’s wedding invite! So cute!)
(bottom image from alice g. patterson photography. Check her out! Her work is lovely.)

things i saw, things i love

So it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these links posts! But alas, I’ve had the time this week on my mini-Syracuse vacation to spend a good chunk of time perusing the internet for lovely little things to share. Enjoy!

I ADORE this dress. It reminds me of a ballerina and I heart ballerinas. Via lavender summers and lilac dreams.

This BBQ poster is sweet!! I’d like very much to send an invite like this to all my friends. I’d even hang it around the neighborhood it looks so neat. Spotted on flickr via Pinterest.

This time capsule idea from Kelli Crow is super cute for kids to give as gifts. I love it so much I might even make one myself come Christmas.

So I kind of think I’m in love with ikat (post to come soon), and this room just has loads of it. This room is incredible. I obsessed. Via Cote de Texas.

How cool is this wedding invite found on Style Me Pretty? What an original idea!!

I love this photo of the Boston skyline by Caroline O’Donnell at Poppy and Leo. She seems to always capture the city so perfectly, I love looking at her photos!

Wait just a minute. Are these for real??? These chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes (via Kevin and Amanda) might just be the best thing that ever happened to me. Now I can’t be fore sure because I haven’t tried them yet, but as soon as I do I’ll let you know. Oh. my. goodness.

And lastly, because I’m in the wedding spirit this weekend, look at this fun colored crinoline idea I found at The Brass Paperclip. I don’t know if I would dare to do it myself, but it’s fun!

Happy weekend, everyone!!

addicted to pinning!

I am 150% addicted to Pinterest.

I currently have 1, 346 pins. That’s borderline ridiculous.

The long and short of it is that every little down second I get, I head to Pinterest and repin, repin, and repin some more.

I pin while watching Ellen.

I pin on the train.

I pin when I have some extra time at work.

I pin in the line at Starbucks.

I pin in the line at Trader Joe’s.

I pin while I’m waiting for dinner to be done.

Aaaaand I pin in my pajamas.

If you want to look at my 1, 346 pins (and counting), click here: aeb. on Pinterest

If you want an invite from me, just ask!! I’d be happy to send you one and even more happy to follow you as you embark on your pinning journey. It’s fun. TRUST ME.