why i shop:

This dress was $20!!! I could hardly believe my luck when I spotted this on the rack at Marshalls yesterday. Isn’t it chic?! If you know me, you know I am a shopper. I like clothes and shoes and bags and houseware goodies. But I like to think that I am one of the best bargain shoppers around. There is rarely a day when I buy anything full price and yesterday was one of my lucky days in the discount department.

I am TOTALLY wearing this dress in NYC next weekend. Trendy New Yorkers, here I come.

on traveling.

What a summer this has been so far. And it’s hardly over, which is, of course, the best part. Yesterday I took a trip on the thruway from Boston and ended up in my hometown of Syracuse, NY. I’m so glad to be here and spend some time doing things I love before heading up to the “North Country” for my best friend’s wedding.

Here are some of my latest thoughts…

On traveling to familiar places: There is something very special about traveling to places you know and cherish. It’s so comforting to be on the road to a place where you’ll see people you love and where you have made happy memories in the past. Some of my favorite places to revisit are those that I went to when I was a little girl, because I almost feel like I am transported back in time. My nostalgia takes over and I can easily feel like I am 10 again. Traveling home and to my grandmother’s are some of my favorite weekends ever. There are no expectations, no plans to make, and I can feel completely comfortable spending my time doing nothing at all, or anything and everything I feel like doing. There is no one to judge, no one to impress and it feels good to get away from Boston life for awhile, yet still be at a place that feels like (and is) home.

On traveling to new places: Oh, how exciting to be going on a trip to the unknown! Some of my very favorite faraway trips include London, Venice, and Ireland, but I’ve even been giddy when going to new places here in the US. San Diego was a DREAM. I love the excitement of planning a trip; the research that goes into it, and travel books and maps, and planning and packing the perfect outfits. I love making new memories and taking pictures. Hundreds and hundreds of pictures. I love how bits and pieces of your adventure stay with you always, even long after you’ve traveled, so all you really have to do is think about your journey and you are brought back to the place you visited. You are brought right back to the winding streets of Venice and the wine and the gelato, you are brought right back to the hustle and bustle of Piccadilly Square and the joy you felt as you walked down Portobello Road, you are brought right back to your favorite places and memories and moments and all you can think about is When can I go back????

This weekend I’m super excited to travel up to the St. Lawrence River (close to Canada!) for the wedding of my childhood friend Maureen. There will be dressing up and dancing and champagne. Weddings are a special kind of trip. My heart always bursts with love and my eyes get all teary. I always love a good, happy tear and weddings are the perfect place for them. Don’t you think?


for becca.

kisses for Hope

This weekend I headed to Greenwich to visit my family and little Baby Hope, who’s just as precious as can be.