boston ballet // shades of sound

Boston Ballet Boston Ballet

Earlier this week my good friend Katie offered up some Boston Ballet tickets and I jumped at the chance. I LOVE ballet and LOVE the Boston Ballet, so instantly my response was “ME!! Yes! A dream!” Also, Zan was going to be away and I had no plans but to type and print out invitation envelopes all weekend, so this would be a perfect Saturday night getaway for me. I asked Zan’s sister Nell if she wanted to see the show with me and we made plans to head into the city Saturday night for an evening of dancing and music.

Shades of Sound was so lovely. There were three completely different pieces of ballet set to three different pieces of music and I very much loved it all. The photos above are from George Balanchine’s “Episodes”, and of all three pieces this one was my favorite. I love the simple leotards and classic dance moves. Completely gorgeous and so much of it reminded me of my studio days which at this point feels like a lifetime ago. Point shoes and seamed tights and some of the best memories I will ever have.

I read a few weeks back how Rachel went back to taking classes this past year— it’s always something I think about but never end up doing. Maybe someday, though. Seeing the Ballet last night inspired me instantly. I always get goosebumps and the urge to get those arms in fifth position, to stretch my arches and leap + twirl all the way home.

Thank you for the tickets, Katie! You absolutely made my weekend! xo

// Photos c/o the Boston Ballet

Also if you’re interested,
some behind the scenes videos
here, here, here and HERE. :)

{the last one is so good!}

honeymoon excitement !!

the world is your oyster

This past weekend we made one of the biggest moves yet in terms of planning our wedding…

We booked our honeymoon!

On one hand I can hardly believe we’re making it happen and on the other hand, I’m all, of course we are doing this! WE ARE MAKING THIS HAPPEN!

Looking up flights was no walk in the park, though. I honestly felt like I’ve spent the past three years searching even though it’s only been a little over a month. Ha! Every night I would do a little bit more research and every night I would feel my head spinning one thousand spins. Until Sunday afternoon when I found the most amazing prices I’ve seen yet and VOILA! I booked it! The rush of booking a flight especially an international one is kind of surreal. My palms were sweating, for one. And my mouth was in the biggest grin it could ever make.

And now… the details!

We will be taking our honeymoon abroad for 20 days. Yes, T W E N T Y  D A Y S S S S.

We are flying in and out of Venice (with one overnight layover in Istanbul) and with 20 days and a passport I believe the saying is true: the world really is our oyster.

rome and croatiaAmalfi Coastvenice and istanbulvenicecroatiaScreen Shot 2015-03-25 at 8.04.14 PMScreen Shot 2015-03-25 at 8.01.12 PM

Here is a very rough draft of our very tentative plan:

One night in Istanbul {this is because of the flight deal we snagged — we have a 19 hour layover and we’re choosing to look at it as an opportunity! We will have enough time for a bit of sightseeing, dinner, and an early breakfast the next morning.}

1-2 days in Venice

Train to Rome…

2 days in Rome

Train/Bus to the Amalfi Coast…

3 days on the Amalfi Coast {Sorrento? Positano? Furore?!}

Trek across Italy {by bus/car} to the Adriatic Sea…

Ferry across to Croatia…

10+ days traveling the coast and cities of Croatia !!

We hope to hit Dubruvnik, Hvar, Split, Plitvice National Park, Zagreb, Rovinj… and hopefully more! {Are we crazy? Maybe. Absolutely. Do we love it? WE SURE WILL.}

And then finally finishing off with a Ferry back to Venice before we FLY ON HOME.


As I typed up that list now I just kept thinking, is this real life? Pinch me, please. Zan and I are definitely a pair of adventuresome travelers. The more we can see the better and we’re not afraid to jam pack a day full of everything, but we’re also not opposed to staying put for a few days on the beach throughout our stay. This trip will definitely be an exhausting one, but I also know that I feel so alive with each passing moment in a new place. I am so excited I can hardly stand it.

So far I am still in the research phase. Which means being on Airbnb and Pinterest all night every night until I feel like my eyes are going to bleed. But I’m not complaining! Never! I’ve also been returning to this post and this post and this post from Hither and Thither over and over because Ashley has amazingly detailed info and her travel photos are just so pleasing to look through!

I’ve also found this blog, which is fantastic, specifically for Croatia info. So much good!

And now, my very favorite question to ask:

Do you have any advice to give? Affordable places to stay, things you think we should see and do? Have you ever been to any of the places we’re planning on visiting? I’ve only ever been to Venice as far as Italy goes, and Croatia will be completely new to us! We would love any comments or tips you have to give. Any and all!


{P.S. THANK YOU SO MUCH for your
email on Croatia, Chrissy! I am cherishing it
and all the info you sent us!

 // featuring insanely amazing VSCO photos from
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 910

the object enthusiast //

the object enthusiastthe object enthusiastI wanted to do a quick share about the object enthusiast because it’s truly one of the happiest handmade spots on the internet. Do you ever just find a shop that you love and want to tell the whole world about it? This is that shop for me. I first found Emily through pinterest. And also, of course, on instagram.

Just bits and pieces of pretty as far as the eye can see.

Best of all, you can buy her ceramic work here.

Oh lovely lovely day. 

taking stock // march

taking stock


M A K I N G: A cake bunting for our wedding. Well, I’m not making it yet but I plan to soon– with the help of this pretty inspiration here.  Going all white though, of course!

D R I N K I N G: Coconut Water. I picked some up at Costco last time I was there and I am loving it. I bring one to school with me each day and drink it at some point when I’m feeling dehydrated. I never drink enough water while I’m teaching and I need to work on that.

W A N T I N G: This Brooklyn apartment. Oh my heavens. Maybe in my next life!

W A T C H I N G: House of Cards. And also, we started Alias and at first I don’t think either of us were very into it, but I feel like it’s starting to get good.

R E A D I N G: I just picked up this book about Venice from the library the other day and I’m excited to start reading. Also working my way through Yes Please and enjoying it very much.

L I S T E N I N G  T O: A little bit of this, and a little bit of that. In the car I’ve been flipping through channels lately but at home I like to play WGBH radio. Listening to classical right now and they’ve got a great celtic radio series on Saturdays at 3:00 if you’re into that sort of thing. Turns out, I’ve recently discovered, that I totally am.

E A T I N G: Lots of soup. It’s still cold as ever here. My favorite this winter has been a simple butternut squash recipe. I make it almost every week and take it with me a few days for lunch. So good and easy: peel and cut a smallish butternut squash {I often get the pre-cut!}. Roast at about 400 degrees until soft {about 45 min- 1 hour or so}. Add squash to large pot {a lot of times I just throw it into the Vitamix!} and add one can of coconut milk and 1 apple then stir til smooth with a hand blender– we have this one. Salt and pepper to taste then enjoy!

W I S H I N G: Spring would hurry up and come soon. Daylight savings is this weekend so at least that’s a start!

E N J O Y I N G: The moon tonight. Have you seen it? It’s straight out of a storybook.

H O P I N G: We can get to Croatia for our honeymoon this summer. The planning seems daunting at this point, but also so exciting. I swear I could spend HOURS each night (and quite often do) googling/pinteresting “CROATIA” and sometimes I feel like I’ve made progress and a lot of time I feel like I haven’t. I tried to send out a call for help on instagram last night and got some great ideas so hopefully we’ll make some strides soon!

N E E D I N G: To find bridesmaid dresses that I love. I want each dress to be different which you think would be easy, but is actually proving to be harder than I thought! And I only need three! Looking for ivory and beautiful so if you come across anything like that send it my way!

F O L L O W I N G: elephantine // I have been reading Rachel’s blog for a little over a year now and love the simplicity throughout it all. She has wonderful book reveiws, gorgeous photography, and such a calm peaceful way about her. I am always so happy to see a post from her– sometimes her entries are only a couple of photos or a single sentence, but I enjoy them every time.

F E E L I N G: Tired. Such a long week! And March has no days off or long weekends so I guess I better get used to it– or train myself to get more sleep {I’m a night owl lately!}.

W E A R I N G: Still these boots all day eryday. I don’t think I’ve ever been so dedicated to a pair of shoes in my life. 

B O O K M A R K I N G: This post. Forever and ever amen.

L O V I N G: THE WEEKEND! Cheers, everyone!

♥ top image by anne mumford.
also, amazon affiliate links used!